高中英语unitlessonseastories北师大必修 diy.pptxVIP

高中英语unitlessonseastories北师大必修 diy.pptx

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高中英语Unitlessonseastories北师大必修 DIY会计学第2页/共16页Oceania 大洋洲第3页/共16页voyage航海第4页/共16页float v. 浮,漂soul n. 灵魂scream v. 尖声喊叫,惊呼sink v. 下沉,沉没net n. 网leak v. 渗漏,泄漏第5页/共16页vocabularyunable un-able adj. 不能的,不会的recognise re-cog-nise v. 辨认出Oceania O-ce-a-nia n. 大洋洲opposite op-po-site n. 对立的人(物);反义词all at once突然,忽然pick up取,接载第6页/共16页Sea story(主要内容)第7页/共16页 One day three years ago, My two brothers and I were coming back from the islands . All at once , the sky was covered with dark clouds and in less than a minute we were in a terrible storm.三年前的一天,我哥哥弟弟和我从岛上回来.突然,天空乌云密布.不到一分钟,我们遇上个糟糕的风暴第8页/共16页An enormous were covered our boat and my younger brother fell into the sea. 一个波浪向我们的船卷来,我的弟弟掉入海中.第9页/共16页With the wind and waves we were going in the direction of the whirlpool . We went round and round ,nearer and nearer to the horrible edge of the whirlpool.我们随风和浪着朝旋涡移动.我们转啊转,越来越大越靠近那令人讨厌的旋涡的边缘.第10页/共16页 Suddenly, we went over the edge .突然,我们进入了旋窝的边缘. 第11页/共16页The boat was on the inside of the huge whirlpool and we were going round in circles at great speed . 船以很高的速度在旋涡的中心绕着圈子 第12页/共16页Fortunately, I tied myself to a barrel to help me float.幸运的,我把自己绑在一只木桶上来帮我浮起来.第13页/共16页I tried to make my brother understand, but he was terrified and stayed in the heavy boat. Without waiting , I dived into the sea to try and escape 我努力使哥哥明白,但他那时太恐惧了,呆坐在沉重的木船。毫不犹豫地,我潜入了海里,尝试逃脱.第14页/共16页Then the sky was clear . I was still tied to the barrel and the waves soon carried me to an area where the other fisherman were .In the end , a boat pick me up. As you can see,I did escape, but my two brothers died. 接着,天空逐渐晴朗.我仍绑在啤酒桶上,海浪不久便把我带到了一个有很多渔民的地方,最后,一只船把我捞了起来.如你所看到的,我逃了出来,但我的两个兄弟死了。 第15页/共16页Thank You !第16页/共16页感谢您的观看!


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