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英语考试作文GRE写作Issue部分素材分享之媒体偏见 英语考试作文GRE写作Issue部分素材分享之媒体偏见 英语考试作文GRE写作Issue部分素材分享之媒体偏见 英语考试作文 GRE写作 Issue 部分精选素材分享之媒体偏 见 想要在 GRE作文部分的考试中写出优异 的文章,论据素材是重要的一环。好的论据不单能帮助你支撑看法, 增强说服力,还可以表现出考生在阅读量上的累积和深沉扎实的语言功 底基础。特别是 ISSUE作文,更是需要大批好素材作为贮备, 才能保 证考生不论遭受那种题目, 都能应付自如地达成一篇高分作文的写作。 为大家整理了 GREISSUE作文各种题目的精选优良素材, 一同来看吧。 媒体成见: 妇女 As for women, a report which analyzed media coverage of women, found that the white male, as reported by the media, is the subtle norm by which all else is gauged. For example, when the subject is a white male, reference to his race and gender is rarely noted, whereas descriptive phrases, such as black leader or female candidate are often employed in addition to that person ?s nameand title. Images and beliefs concerning womenare far more prominent in our society than those of men. Women are always the ones cooking, cleaning, doing household tasks or taking care of children. They are portrayed as being emotionally and physically inferior and submissive to men. Women are visualized as weak creatures. They tend to be confined to a life dictated by family and personal relationships. Men always dominate television programs. Figures show that in television drama women are outnumbered by men 3:1 or 4:1; in cartoons womenare outnumbered 10:1; and in soap operas women are outnumbered 7:3. In daily shows such as soap operas, women are usually hysterical, crying and emotionally out of control. This personifies women as being the inferior sex, which leads to many false stereotypes. Women as sex objects are the most common stereotype of women on television. 媒体成见: 少量族群 Minorities are unfairly misrepresented in the media in a stereotyped way. In an article from USA Today magazine, it illustrated that if you have watched, listened to, and read media all your life, you probably have filed these images into your thinking process: African-Americans are mostly rap stars, professional athletes, drug addicts, welfare mothers, criminals and/or murderers; Latinos are illega


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