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深圳市初中英语八年级(下)阅 读理解专项训练 阅读理解专项训练 (一) 阅读下列短文 ,从下面每题的 A 、B、C 、D 四个 选项中选出最佳选项。 A Body language skills that make you popular We’ve all heard that up to 90% of communication is non-verbal in nature. Body language is important. But what actually is “good ”body language? How do we learn to “speak ” body language? People should understand the importance of intention ( 意图 ). Actions come from thoughts and feelings. What are you doing and thinking before speaking or meeting new friends? Worrying? Being stressful? Imagining the worse things? If so, you may need to do some inner work. In order to have a happy result, people often spend some time preparing for meetings. 第 2 页 People stand up straight, but not too straight. People stand up straight to show their confidence, but they don ’toverdo it. Standing too straight appears unnatural, and others will not feel good about you. People make eye contact, but not too much. Looking at the ground? Looking at the ceiling? Looking anywhere but into people ’s eyes? When people make good eye contact, they may get on well with others. Good eye contact is important to good communication, but making it for a long time is not good. People smile and laugh, but not at their own jokes. If you have a stone-like face during the communication, listeners will feel you are serious. The conversation partners take the information from you. So a good smile will be helpful to your friendl



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