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设计(论文)题目:海底捞的体验营销策略研究 摘要 步入新时代以来,我国餐饮行业发展迅速,随着国民生活水平稳步提高,人们 的消费理念发生了巨大变化,消费者不仅对菜品口味、质量提出要求,用餐体验、 以及服务的质量也成为了人们看重的因素。为了提升自己的经济效益,满足消费者 日渐增长的消费需求,越来越多的餐饮从业者将提升自己的品牌价值和服务,提升 客户的满意度作为长期追求的目标。洞悉消费者的消费需求,从供给侧入手,以消 费为导向发展生产不仅是经济发展战略中十分重要的一个环节,同时也是餐饮行业 从业者与时俱进,在时代浪潮中历久弥新的有力武器。只有这样,企业才能发挥自 己的优势,将自己做大做强,才能在激烈的竞争中赢得一席之地。 本文从四川海底捞餐饮股份有限公司入手,剖析其企业文化以及品牌优势,并 分别从从感觉、情感、思考、行动和关联等方面对海底捞的体验式营销进行分析。 针对海底捞存在的一些问题进行研究以及并有针对性提出改进策略。根据不同消费 者的不同需求提供不一样的服务,在海底捞的一些服务中从细微处与消费者建立情 感纽带,从而提升消费者的忠诚度和满意度。 关键词:体验营销;餐饮行业;海底捞 ABSTRACT Since entering the new era, my countrys catering industry has developed rapidly. As peoples living standards have steadily improved, peoples consumption concepts have undergone tremendous changes. Consumers have not only demanded the taste and quality of dishes, but also the quality of dining experience and service. Factors that people value. In order to improve their economic benefits and meet the increasing consumer demand of consumers, more and more catering practitioners will enhance their brand value and services, and improve customer satisfaction as their long-term goals. Insight into consumer demand, starting from the supply side, consumption-oriented development of production is not only a very important link in the economic development strategy, but also a powerful force for practitioners in the catering industry to keep pace with the times and stay new in the tide of the times, arms. Only in this way can companies give play to their advantages, make themselves bigger and stronger, and win a place in the fierce competition. This article starts with Sichuan Haidilao Catering Co., Ltd., analyzes its corporate culture and brand advantages, and analyzes Haidilaos experiential marketing from the perspectives of feeling, emotion, thinking, action and association. Research on some of the existing problems of Haidilao and put forward targeted improvement strategies. According to the different needs of different consumers, different services are provided. In some servic



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