Unit8 西方文化导论.ppt

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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Text Study _III_1.4 Text Study Interpretation of Cultural Terms Art Theatre Théatre Libre / Free Theatre: founded by André Antoine in Pais Freie Buhne / Free Stage: founded by Otto Brahm in Berlin Painting Vincent van Gogh: The Potato Eaters Main Ideas 第六十三页,编辑于星期二:十七点 五十分。 Text Study _III_2.1 Interpretation of Cultural Terms Text Study Interpretation of Cultural Terms Les Rougon-Macquart 《卢贡·马卡尔家族》: It is the collective title given to a cycle of twenty novels by French writer émile Zola. Subtitled “Histoire naturelle et sociale d’une famille sous le Second Empire” (Natural and social history of a family during the Second Empire), it follows the life of a fictional family living during the Second French Empire (1852–1870) and is an example of French naturalism. The series begin from La Fortune des Rougon, and Grminal makes Zola’s climax of writing career. 第六十四页,编辑于星期二:十七点 五十分。 Text Study _III_2.1 Interpretation of Cultural Terms Text Study Interpretation of Cultural Terms The Théatre Libre (French: Free Theatre) 自由剧场: It was a theatre company that operated from 1887 to 1896 in the Montmartre district of Paris, France. The Théatre Libre combined Realism with Naturalism, and emphasized ensemble acting. André Antoine, its primary director, became known as the father of Naturalistic Staging. He sought to make every play as real as possible, such as when real beef carcasses were used on stage. 第六十五页,编辑于星期二:十七点 五十分。 Text Study _III_2.1 Interpretation of Cultural Terms Text Study Interpretation of Cultural Terms Freie Bühne (German: “Free Stage”) 自由剧院: It is an?independent Berlin theatre founded in 1889 by 10 writers and critics and supervised by the writer-director Otto Brahm for the purpose of staging new, naturalistic plays. Like André Antoine’s Théatre Libre in Paris, Brahm’s company gave private performances to theatre subscribers only. 第六十六页,编辑于星期二:十七点


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