人教版英语七年级上册Unit3 Is this your pencil Section B (2a-2c)课件.pptx

人教版英语七年级上册Unit3 Is this your pencil Section B (2a-2c)课件.pptx

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Unit 3;New words;New words;视频;Little Bear goes to school happily. He is so careless. Look! something is dropping from his schoolbag.;Are all the things really Little Bears? ;I picked up a baseball. Is it yours?;I found a black watch. Is it yours?;I picked up some keys. Are they yours?;I found some books. Are they yours?;Do you often lose things like the Little Bear?;Write the things you lose easily.;I cant find my schoolbag. Oh, I left it in the library. What should I do?;If you lose something, you can look for it in the Lost Found. ;Warm up;Here it is!;在美国,学校的一楼都设有一个布告栏。如果有学生丢了或捡到了什么东西,他们会在布告栏上贴上纸,让别人知道发生了什么事情。美国的许多公共场所或公园都设有失物招领处 “Lost and Found Office”。如果你捡到不属于你的东西,你可以把它交到失物招领处。失主可直接与之联系,取回他们丢失的东西。;Some students are reading the notices on the board.;1. How many notices can you see? 2. The main idea of the notices is to ____. A. tell people how the things got lost. B. show the lost things. C. tell others what they have lost and found.;Read the notices on the board and circle the lost things.;;Tip2: 快速寻找每则启事的主题句就能容易找到答案。 ① Is it yours? ② Are they yours? ③ Is this your watch? ④ I lost my school ID card.;;1. Are some keys in the school library? 2. How do you contact (联系) Mary? 3. Is the watch Johns? 4. What is Toms telephone number? 5. Who found a computer game?;Reading;通过阅读公告栏启事, 你知道怎样写寻物启事和失物招领了吗?;Lucy 丢失了她的英语字典, 请帮她写一则寻物启事, 电话是829-6517。;Lin Hai, A computer game is in the school library. Is it yours? Ask the teacher for it? Mike;Free Read ;Look at the notices. There are four ____ things. A computer game is in the school _______. It is _________, he can ____ the teacher ___ it. Some keys is ___ Classroom 7E. You can ______ the person ___ maryg2@gfimail. com. If you lost your ______, you can ____ John ___495-3539. If you ____ a school ID card, please ____ Tom ___ 685-6043. He is worried and he _____ find it. ;1. A computer game is in the school library. in 为介词, 意为 “在……里”, 表示方位的。 e.g. in the classroom 在教?


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