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您呼吸的空气定义了您 You Are What You Breathe;AtmosAir Video by Gensler (Promotion video by largest Architecture Firm in the World);如何定义“室内空气质量”?What makes up Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)?;精选美国客户——AtmosAir已成功通过多项测试验证 AtmosAir Has Been Built on Measurement and Verification;设计界合作伙伴 AtmosAir Design Community Allies;安妥蒙空气净化AtmosAir Purification - #50;资质认证 AtmosAir Classifications;品牌简介 The AtmosAir Solution;AtmosAir 双极离子 Bipolar Ions;我们建议您体验双极离子 We believe you should experience BPI;;AtmosAir作用于挥发性有机化合物 AtmosAir vs. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs);AtmosAir作用于颗粒物 AtmosAir vs. Particulate Matter (PM);常见问题:AtmosAir?如何对抗各种细菌、病毒和病菌?FAQ: How does AtmosAir? work against various bacteria, viruses and germs? AtmosAir正、负离子包围生物体外形成的表面蛋白质并引发感染(血凝素),将它们变成高活性的OH基团,称为羟基自由基,这个过程会从血凝素中取出氢分子并 将其转化为水。离子在分子层面上破坏病毒表面结构,使其即使进入体内也不能引起感染。Positive and negative AtmosAir ions surround the surface proteins that form on organisms and trigger infections (hemagglutinin), changing them into highly reactive OH groups called hydroxyl radicals. These take a hydrogen molecule from the hemagglutinin and change it into water. The ions destroy the virus surface structure on a molecular level, rendering it incapable of causing infection even if it enters the body.;AtmosAir作用于细菌 AtmosAir vs. Bacteria;白皮书 Whitepaper;净化技术的差距 The Difference Is The Technology;安妥蒙双极离子 vs 其他空气净化方案 AtmosAir vs. Competing IAQ Technologies;双极离子对比其他净化组件 Bi-Polar Ionization Comparison to Other Components;节能 Energy Opportunity;达到标准 Meeting Codes;产品和安装 AtmosAir Products Installation;AtmosAir 500 系列 AtmosAir 500 Series;AtmosAir Matterhorn 系列 AtmosAir Matterhorn Series;AtmosAir FC系列 AtmosAir FC Series;AtmosAir 产品演示组件 The AtmosAir Demo Kit;AtmosAir配置在YORK暖通系统中 AtmosAir Placement in YORK AHUs;AtmosAir 安装位置 Installation Locations;AtmosAir 双极离子管 AtmosAir Bipolar Ionization Tubes;项目 / 成功案例 Project / Case Studies;办公室项?? Workplace Projects;医疗机构项目 Healthcare Projects;体育运动项目 Sports Projects;学校项目 School Projects;酒店项目 Hospitality Projects;赌场项目 Gaming Projects;成功


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