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话题37 克隆技术;基础知识自测;1. __________ n. 缺点;不利条件 2. ______________ n. 突破 3. ____________ n. 程序;步骤 4. ________ n. 媒介;手段 (pl.) 5. ________ vt. 获得;赢得;6. ________ vt. 欠;归功于…… 7. ________ vi. 退休;离开 8. _________ vt. 打扰;操心;烦扰 9. ________ vt. 抵抗;对抗 10. _______ vt. 禁止;不准;11. _____________ adj. 合情理的 12. ________ adj. 精确的 13. ________ adj. 道德(上)的 14. ________ adv. 立刻; 不久 15. ________ adv. 仅; 只; 不过; 1. _________ vi. 不赞成; 反对 ____________ n. 不赞成; 反对;3. ____________ vt. 调节; 规定 ____________ n. 规则; 规章; 法规 4. ___________ vi. 不同; 相异 ___________ adj. 不同的 ____________ n. 不同; 差异;5. _______ adj. 能;有能力的 _______ vt. 使……能够 ______ adj. 不会的, 不能够的 _______ n. 能力 _________ adj. 残废的, 残疾的 _________ n. 残废; 残疾;6. _________vt. 假定, 设想; 认为 ____________ n. 假定, 设想;2. Anyone who fails to obey the school ___________ (regulate) will be punished. 2. 名词作动词obey的宾语。 3. As a saying goes, “Details make the ___________ (different)”. 3. 名词作动词make的宾语。正如一句谚语所说:“细节决定成败”。;4. Reading more ________ (able) us to improve our sense of language. 4. 动词作谓语, 一般现在时, 主语是第三人称单数。 5. It has long been _________ (assume) that the globe is becoming warmer and warmer. 5. 过去分词作表语。;三、短语翻译 ;5. _________________ 使复生; 使复活 6. ________得到好结果; 取得成功 7. __________________不时; 偶尔 8. ______________________状况很好(坏);9. ___________ 将……归功于…… 10. _________________ 使…能够(做)… 11. __________ 反对 12. __________ 由于;四、课文回顾 The whole scientific world followed the progress of the first successful clone,Dolly the sheep. The fact 1 ____ she seemed to develop normally was very encouraging. Then 2 _____ (come) the disturbing news that Dolly had become seriously ill. Cloning scientists were cast down 3______ (find) that Dolly’s illnesses were more appropriate to a much older animal. ;Sadly the same arbitrary fate affected other species,such as cloned mice. The question that occurred to the scientists was: “Would this be 4____ major difficulty for all cloned animals?” Altogether Dolly lived for six years,half the 5______ (long) of th


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