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CATTI口译二级主讲老师:韩刚23环境保护:汉英训练口译实务Passage Two排污权交易口译实务口译重点表达与经典句式随着……的挑战日益严峻:as the challenge of doing sth. gets increasingly grave/grim/formidable/daunting/grows/mounts; ……的可能性越来越大、现在需要……:the potential for … is emerging; 口译实务口译重点表达与经典句式被赋予法律地位:be granted legal status;根据新的政策/政策进展:in line with new policy developments; 口译实务口译重点表达与经典句式与……结成伙伴关系:partner with sb.; 拓展试点性的排污权贸易政策:expand the pilots of emission trading; 口译实务口译重点表达与经典句式资本投资是大而长期的行为:capital investment is significant and long-lived; 履行环境义务应该有一个合理的期限:environmental obligations should be given over a reasonable timeframe; 口译实务口译重点表达与经典句式建立一套行之有效的合规制度:establish an effective compliance system; 遵纪守法; 如果对违反规定的行为没有实质性的惩罚措施,排污权贸易机制就毫无作用:if breaches are not punished as they should, emissions trading won’t work at all/make any difference;without real consequences for noncompliance, the engine that is emissions trading will not function; 口译实务Passage Four西藏的生态建设与环境保护口译实务口译重点表达与经典句式森林面积……公顷:boast … hectares of forest; 活立木蓄积量:stocking volume; 森林覆盖率:forest cover(forest coverage中国使用较多); 口译实务口译重点表达与经典句式保存有中国最大的原始林:be home to China’s largest primitive/virgin forests; 限额采伐:quota-based felling; 严格控制森林的采伐规模:felling is strictly regulated; keep felling under strict control; 口译实务口译重点表达与经典句式对采伐基地进行及时更新:a rotation system is in place for lumbering bases; reforest lumbering bases in a timely fashion ; 口译实务口译重点表达与经典句式在影响长江下游生态的三个县实施西藏长江上游天然林资源保护工程,总面积达3.1万平方公里:31,000 square kilometers of natural forests on the upper reaches of the Yangtze River have been put under protection in three counties as part of the efforts to preserve the ecological well-being on the lower reaches of the Yangtze River; 口译实务口译重点表达与经典句式在风沙危害和水土流失严重的28个县实施退耕还林工程:we have implemented projects to convert farmland to forests in 28 counties suffering from severe sandstorms and soil erosion/struggling with…; 大力推进能源替代建设:work to promote alternative energy sources; ; 口译实务口译重点表达与经典句式植树造林已成为西藏广大人民的自觉行动:people in Tibet have plunged themselves into afforestation campaign; be sel


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