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PAGE PAGE 11 写作专项练习 专项练习1 Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a Hotel Registration Tips for Garden Hotel according to the following information given in Chinese. You should write no letter than 60 words on the Translation / Composition Sheet. 请根据以下信息为花园酒店写一份入住须知。 要点:1. 花园酒店的登记和退房时间是每天早上5时到下午11点。    2. 酒店客房内禁止吸烟。 3. 不得携宠物进入酒店。 4. 暑假期间酒店有打折优惠活动。 5. 酒店客房内均有电话和浴室。 6. 当离开客房时请在门上挂上“请勿打扰”的牌子。 专项练习2 Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a notice about Programs and Schedules according to the following instructions given in Chinese. Remember to write the notice in no less than 80 words. 学生会将组织一次参观宏伟金箔集团公司(Hong Wei Gold Foil Corporation)的活动,时间定于5月20日,请于5 1. 集合和出发的时间与地点:上午6:30在校门口集合,6:40准时出发; 2. 活动安排:8:00在礼堂听总经理介绍工厂概况的报告;9:00参观生产流水线;11:00参观工会俱乐部,看产品展览;12:00在公司食堂用餐;13:00返回。 专项练习3 Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a welcoming speech according to the following information given in Chinese. Remember to write the speech in no less than 80 words. 写一篇致来自美国的计算机专家James White 的欢迎词。内容: 1. 表示欢迎; 2. 介绍公司情况:市里最大的计算机公司; 3. 介绍Mr. White的情况; 4. 再次表示欢迎来公司工作。 专项练习4 Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a letter of quotation(报价信) according to the information given in Chinese below. 根据下列中文信息拟一封报价信。 1. 发信人:Mr. Wang Gang 2. 收信人:Mr. Calvin Klein 3. 发信日期:2005年6月30日 4. 内容:Mr. Wang Gang 非常感谢Mr. Calvin Klein 对他们公司生产的莲花牌毛毯的询价,现报盘如下: 规格:70×80英寸 重量:7.5磅 颜色:红、黄、蓝 数量:2000件 价格:CIF New York 每条85美元 装船日期:8月 5. 随函附有样品 专项练习5 Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a Letter of Apology (道歉信) according to the following information. You should not translate Chinese into English word for word. You should write no less than 80 words on the Composition Sheet. 内容:高明借同学赵强一本《英语口语》书,读完之后本打算奉还,却不知何故找不到书,故写信向同学道歉



