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Unit 6 Earth first Understanding ideas;SHARKS: ;Tick the words that you would use to describe sharks. Add more you can think of.; Activity 2;Work out the structure of the text. ; Activity 3;Complete the chart showing how attitudes towards sharks have changed with words and expressions from the passage.;People who saw the film Jaws believed 2. ____________________________________. Some people stopped 3.__________________ while others started to 4. _______________. The number of large sharks fell quickly due to 5. __________________________.;Peter Benchley admitted that his book 6. _______________________________and fought 7._________ them. Experts have proved that 8. _____________________________, and they attack us by mistake. Some people became interested in 9. _____________________ and more are willing to 10. ______________________________.;1. To criticize Peter Benchley’s misleading description of sharks in his book and advocate the protection of sharks. 2. To explain peoples misunderstanding of sharks and raise awareness of shark protection. 3. To inform people about sharks and recommend the film and the book to them.; Imagine if humans keep on hurting animals, what will happen? What should we do to protect them?;《自主》P67-70及课时作业


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