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2021届高考英语概要写作深度解读 (三) 60 阅读下面短文,根据内容写一篇 词左右的内容概要。 Australia’sgreatest engineering accomplishment to date isthe Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electric Scheme.It took 25yearstobuild andwas completed in 1974 at a cost of $820 million. The aims of the scheme were to produce lots of electricity, and to supply water to households and for farming irrigation. The scheme works by collecting rain and melting snow from the Snowy Mountains and storing it in dams. This is then diverted (转移) through tunnels (隧道) and pipelines to power stations that produce electricity.The water used to produce the electricity then flows into the Murray andMurrumbidgeeRivers. The Snowy MountainsHydro-Electric Scheme ismadeup of sixteen large dams; seven major power stations; a pumping station; and 225 kilometres of tunnels and pipelines. It covers over 5,000 square kilometres of southern New South Wales (NSW). Seven regional townships and more than 100 temporary camps were establishedfor thepeoplewhoworked onthe scheme. When the schemebegan in 1949,Australia didnot yet have aworkforcewith the required scientific and engineering skills needed to complete the project. Many migrants with experience in skills like surveying, tunnelling and geology were employed from overseas.Homeless persons from Europe also worked on the scheme on two-year contracts aspart oftheir requiredwork assignments.The largest group of workerswereunassistedmigrantswhoweredrawn totheprojectbythehigh wages. More than 100,000 people worked on the project in total. Seventy percent of thoseweremigrants.Workers came from morethan 30 countries,including Germany, Italy, Austria and Poland. Most migrants were from Europe because the White Australia Policy discouraged the immigration of people of non-white or non-European origin. Tunnelling in the Snowy Mountains was dangerous and dirty work. Even though the workers came from very different ethnic ( 种


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