讲稿有机化学31chapter synthetic polymers.pptx

讲稿有机化学31chapter synthetic polymers.pptx

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Chapter 31 Synthetic Polymers;Large molecules built up by repetitive bonding together of monomers Indicate repeating unit in parentheses ;To take a more comprehensive view of polymers Look into more detail how polymers are made Look at how polymer structure correlates with their physical properties;Produced by chain-reaction polymerization Initiator (radical, acid, or anion) adds to a carbon–carbon double bond of an unsaturated substrate (a vinyl monomer) to yield a reactive intermediate that reacts with a second molecule of monomer and so on;Vinyl monomers with electron-withdrawing substituents (EWG) can be polymerized by anionic catalysts Chain-carrying step is nucleophilic addition of an anion to the unsaturated monomer by a Michael reaction;Acrylonitrile (H2C=CHCN), methyl methacrylate [H2C=C(CH3)CO2CH3], and styrene (H2C=CHC6H5) react ;Polymerization of a substituted vinyl monomer can lead to numerous chirality centers on the chain A polymer having all groups on the same side of the backbone is called isotactic If the groups alternate on opposite sides of the backbone, it is called syndiotactic Randomly oriented groups are on atactic polymers;Allow preparation of isotactic, syndiotactic, and atactic polypropylene Prepared by treatment of a titanium compound with an alkylaluminum (CH3CH2)3Al + TiCl4 ? A Ziegler–Natta catalyst;Obtained when two or more different monomers polymerize together They can be random or alternating;The exact distribution of monomer units depends on the initial proportions of the two reactant monomers and their relative reactivities;Different blocks of identical monomer units alternate with each other Prepared by initiating the polymerization of one monomer as if growing a homopolymer chain and then adding an excess of the second monomer to the still-active reaction mix Homopolymer branches of one monomer unit are grafted onto a homopolymer chain of another monomer unit Made by gamma irradiation of a completed homopolymer chain in the pr


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