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四种药物预第一网防口腔种植术后感染的疗效对比 目录 TOC \o "1-9" \h \z \u 目录 1 正文 2 文1:四种药物预第一论文网防口腔种植术后感染的疗效对比 2 1 资料与方法 4 四组患者一般资料比较 7 四组患者术后疼痛度评价比较 7 四组患者术后愈合度比较 7 四组患者牙周指标比较 7 四组患者术后随访结果 7 文2:潞安府坛初探第一论文网 9 一、 “潞安府”坛及其风格 9 1. 戊子年酒坛[1] 10 2. 己卯年酒坛[2] 10 3. 癸未年酒坛[3] 10 4. 丙子年酒坛[4] 10 5. 己丑年酒坛[5] 11 6. 壬辰年酒坛[6] 11 7. 程村酒坛[7] 11 8. 壬午年酒坛[8] 11 9. 万历二十六年酒坛[9] 11 10. 程村酒坛[10] 12 11. 万历甲辰三十二年坛[11] 12 二、 其他“潞安府”坛 12 1. 万历辛丑年酒坛[12] 13 2. 嘉靖二十六年酒海[13] 13 3. 隆庆五年酒坛[14] 13 4. 隆庆六年酒坛[15] 13 5. 万历戊申年酒坛[16] 13 6. 万历丁亥年酒海[17] 14 7. 万历辛丑年酒坛[18] 14 8. 万历庚辰年酒钵[19] 14 9. 天启二年酒坛[20] 14 10. 己亥年酒坛[21] 15 11. 万历庚辰酒钵[22] 15 12. 嘉靖癸亥酒坛[23] 15 13. 嘉靖四十三年酒海[24] 15 14. 辛丑年酒坛[25] 16 15. 辛丑年酒坛[26] 16 16. 隆庆五年酒海[27] 16 三、 “潞安府”坛的生产时间和生产地点 17 1. 生产时间 17 2. 生产地点 18 [7] 山西博物院藏。 19 [9] [10] [26] 晋城市博物馆藏。 19 [11] 私人藏。 19 参考文摘引言: 20 原创性声明(模板) 21 文章致谢(模板) 21 正文 四种药物预第一网防口腔种植术后感染的疗效对比 文1:四种药物预第一论文网防口腔种植术后感染的疗效对比 [Abstract] Objective To investigate the clinical effects of oral antibiotic, local application of Compound Chlorhexidine Gargle, Cetylpyridinium Chloride Buccal Tablet and Xipayi Mouth Rie on preventing infection after dental implant , in order to provide reference for the future clinical work. Methods The patients were chosen from who received implant surgery in Stomatological Department, the Second Affiliated Hospital of XinJiang Medical Univeity from October 2015 to October 2016. According to inclusion criteria, 48 patients were chosen in this study, and they were divided into A、B、C and D group by random number table, with 12 cases in each group. The group A was respectively given oral administration of amoxicillin capsules for 5 days, The group B was given Compound Chlorhexidine Gargle for 5 days, The group C was given Xipayi Mouth Rie for 5 days, The group D was given Cetylpyridinium Chloride Buccal Tablets for 5 days. The pain assessment, wound healing, X-ray observation an


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