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工程英语词汇 acoustic prospecting 声学探测 active fault 活断层 aeolian deposit 风 积土 aeration zone water 包气带水 alluvial fan 冲积扇 alluvial soil 冲积 土 alluvial fan 冲积扇 alluvial plain 冲积平原 angle of internal friction 内摩擦角 anisotropy 各向异性 anticline 背斜 aquifer 含水层 artesian pressure head 承压水头 artificial fill 人工填土 attitude 产状 basin 盆地 bed rock 基岩 bed rock(base rock foundation rock) 基岩 categorization of geotechnical projects 岩土工程分级 coefficient of weathering 风化系数 cohesion 内聚力(凝聚力、粘聚力) collapsible soil 湿 陷性土 comprehensive engineering geologic map 综合工程地质图 cone penetration test (CPT) 静力触探试验 confined water 承压水 contour map of groundwater 地下水等水位线图 core recovery 岩芯采取率 cross hole method 跨孔法 debris flow 泥石流 deformation 变形 delta 三角洲 depletion coefficient 疏干系数 developing chart of exploratory drift 坑硐展示图 diluvial fan 洪积扇 diluvial soil 洪积土 diluvial fan 洪积扇 dispersion coefficient 弥散系数 dispersive clay 分散性粘土 displacement 位移 Divide 分水岭 down-hole method 下孔法 dynamic penetration test 动力触探试验 earthquake subsidence 震陷 effective porosity 有效孔隙率 electric prospecting 电法勘探 engineering geologic columnar profile 工程地质柱状 图 engineering geologic map 工程地质图 engineering geologic mapping 工程 地质测绘 engineering geologic profile 工程地质剖面图 engineering geological conditions 工程地质条件 engineering geological drilling 工程 地质钻探 engineering geological evaluation 工程地质评价 engineering geological problems 工程地质问题 expansive soil 膨胀土 fault 断层 field observation 现场观测 firm rock(sound rock) 硬岩 fissure water 裂隙水 fissured cla 裂隙粘土 flat jack technique 扁千斤顶 法 floodplain(valley flat) 河漫滩 fold 褶皱 fossil river course, fossil stream channel 古河道 fracture zone 断裂破碎带 fresh rock 新鲜岩石 friction-resistance ratio 摩阻比 frozen soil 冻土 geographic and geomorphic conditions 地形地貌条件 geologic environment 地质环境 geologic environment element 地质环境要素 geologic structure 地质构造 geomechanics 地质力学 (岩石力学) geomorpholog 地貌 geophysical exploration 地球物理勘探 geophysical phenomenon 物理地质现象 geotechnical engineering inves


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