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摘 要 二十世纪以来,随着人们生活条件的变化、人类社会的进步,煤、油等传统化石能源的日益减少,自然环境的日益恶化。越来越多的人开始着眼于环保科技,像风力发电,光伏发电等新能源技术都已广泛运用于人们日常生活当中。在现在欧美或将来中国广大农村的高级住宅区,风光互补发电必将普及。伴随着国内光伏厂商在国际上的挫败,以及国际市场的萎缩,国内广泛市场成了许多光伏企业的救命良药。但为了供电的可靠性势必会出现风光发电系统和市电相互配合的供电方式。随着生产成本的降低,这一供电方式也将出现在中低档住宅区甚至是偏远山区也将见到。由于东部地区人口密集、经济繁荣,但各类资源相对缺乏。所以光伏、风力互补的发电方式想要在东部站稳脚跟,就必须从农村地区开始,以一种“农村包围城市的姿态”求生存,谋发展。 本篇论文主要为南京农村某用户设计了一款风光互补发电系统,系统主要是为该用家中的照明和空调系统提供电源。本篇论文对系统的太阳能电池、风力发电机、蓄电池等部件进行了选型设计。 关键词:太阳能;风能;农村;照明 ABSTRACT Since the 20th century, with the changes in peoples living conditions, the progress of human society, coal, oil and traditional fossil fuels dwindling, the natural environment is deteriorating. More and more people began to focus on environmental technology, such as wind power, solar power and other new energy technologies have been widely used in peoples daily life. Exclusive residential area in Europe and America now or in the future Chinas vast rural areas, wind and solar power is bound to spread. With the domestic PV manufacturers defeat in the international arena, as well as shrinking international market, the domestic market has become widespread in many PV companies, life-saving medicine. But in order to supply reliable power system is bound to be beautiful and cooperating mains power supply. With lower production costs, the power supply will also appear in the middle and low residential areas and even in remote mountainous areas will also be seen. Due to the densely populated eastern region, economic prosperity, but the relative lack of various resources. So photovoltaic, wind power complementary way you want in the eastern stand firm, we must start from the rural areas, in a gesture of encircling the cities of survival, and development. This paper mainly rural Nanjing a user to design a wind and solar power generation system, the system is mainly used to provide power for home lighting and air conditioning systems. This paper on the system of solar cells, wind turbines, batteries and other c



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