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3935国开电大专科《理工英语2》期末纸质考试(第三题阅读理解选择题)题库(排序版) 音序查找试题及答案。说明:更新至2021年7月试题;可以根据试题首字母[短文]Can you imagine a world without the Internet?!!^ surprising to think about it.[内部资料] Now,China has more than 162 million Internet users,according to the China Internet Network Information Centre.This is the second highest number of user in the world after the United States.Today,66% of Chinese netizens (网民)are teenagers.They spend about thirteen hours every week online,said Qian Hulin,an Internet expert(专家).Doctor Song in Beijing Xuanwu Hospital said about 14% of Chinese netizens who are teens often lasted over ten hours to play online games. 音序查找试题及答案。 The main reasons why teenagers surf the Web are to search for information,to communicate with others and to have fun.On the Internet,teenagers can find out almost anything.And surfing the Web can help students with their homework and widen their knowledge. Li Dong,a teacher at No.41 Middle School in Shijiazhuang,likes her students to use the Internet.When we talk in class,students who surf the Net usually know more background information than the others,she said. In addition,people can use the Internet to write letters or stories and send emails.Many teens keep in touch with their friends online.lt is cheaper than phoning somebody far away and also much quicker. .has the most Internet users in the world according to the article. [答案]America.There are about Chinese netizens to surf about 13 hours every week. [答案]107 million young.Song said some teenagers continued more than ten hours. [答案]playing online games.Li Dong in No.41 Middle School likes her students to use the Internet because she. [答案]thinks her students can get more background information than the others.According to the passage,which of the following is the cheapest and quickest way to learn something about friends far away? [答案]Sending emails to them. [试题]2L25题:阅读对话,用所给单句完成对话,并将答案序号写在答题纸上。[2020 年9月试题、2020年7月试题、2018年1月试题]A.Don't be discouraged. Bits expensive,isn't it? C.What


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