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cultural/national heritage 文化/民族遗产 Shaolin Temple 少林寺 mount up? 增长;上升 mounting 逐渐增加的 in?former?times? 从前 the former ... the latter ... ?前者……后者…… clue to sth. 某个问题的线索/提示 not have a clue 一无所知;不知怎么做 He doesnt have a clue about what to do next. 他对接下来怎么做一无所知。 ;proposal n.提议;建议n.求婚 proposal for sth./to do sth./that ...? 做某事的提议 Jenifer offered a proposal for the anniversary last week. 珍妮弗上周提出了庆祝周年纪念的建议 put forward/submit a proposal for sth./to do sth 提出/呈交对某事(做某事)的提议;protest about/at sth. 对……表示抗议 protest against ...反对……;对……提出抗议 It seems unwise to protest against your parents by hunger strike. 通过绝食来反抗你的父母是不明智的。 the Peoples Republic of China 中华人民共和国 n profession职业;专业 adv. professionally专业地;内行地 professor 教授 ;emergency exit?紧急出口 exit visa?出境签证 反义词:entrance入口 military parade军事检阅,阅兵 Dragon Boat Festival?端午节;龙舟节 n. digit 数字 digitalization 数字化 be the image of sb./sth.?酷似;和……非常相像 Hes the image of his father. 他酷似他的父亲。;take a step further?更进一步 adv. furthermore此外;而且 adj. furthermost最远方的 quote ... from sb./sth. 从……中引用…… He quoted a passage from the ministers speech. 他引用了部长的一段讲话。 ; opinion about/on/of sb./sth. 对于……的想法/意见/看法/评价 My opinion on this problem is that we should take immediate measures to eliminate air pollution. 我对该问题的看法是我们应该马上采取措施来根治空气污染的问题。 in my opinion在我看来 have a high opinion of sb./sth.对……有极高的评价 We all have a high opinion of our monitor because he is always willing to help. 我们都对我们班长评价很高,因为他总是乐于助人 ;comparison of/between ... and ...?……与……对比/相比 in comparison with sb./sth.?(与……)相比较 His family is less affluent in comparison with his classmates. 与他班上的同学相比,他家没那么富裕。 by comparison?比较起来 by comparison (with sth.)(与某事)相比之下 My favorite season is Autumn because the weather is more agreeable by comparison with Summer. 我最喜欢的季节是秋天,因为与夏天相比,秋天的气候更加宜人。;make a comparison of A to/and/with B;comparison between A and B 比较A与B Make a comparison between these positive and negative effects, and you will find that we should spend one or two hours a day doing


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