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《红发会》课外阅读练习 一、完形填空(15分) They have only one way to escape, 1 Holmes.That is back through the house into Saxe-Coburg Square.I hope that you have done 2 I asked you,Jones.” "Yes,I have an inspector and two officers 3 at the front door.” “Then we have closed all the holes.And now we must be 4 and wait. What a long time it 5 !We waited for an hour and a 6 ,but it seemed to me to be much 7 .I was tired and stiff,but I was afraid to change my position.I could hear the 8 breathing of my companions.From.my position I looked over the crate in the 9 of the floor.Suddenly my eyes saw a 10 At first it was only a small light on the 11 floor.Then it became a yellow. line,and then,without any 12 or sound,a hole opened and a hand appeared in the centre of the area of light.For a minute or more the hand 13 up through the floor.Then it 14 and all was dark again except the small light 15 the stones 1.A.whispered B.added C.asked D.talked 2. A. why B.when C.what D.how 3.A.standing B.waiting C. wait D.sitting 4.A.gentle B.still C.noisy D.silent 5.A.looked B. has C.liked D.seemed 6.A.more B.little C.fifteen D.quarter 7.A.shiny B.longer C.long D.cleaner 8.A.gentle B. long C.heavy D.small 9.A.direction B.eye C.way D.under 10.A.hole B.shine C.light D.explore 11.A.stone B.wood C.ground D.strange 12.A.hanging B.standing C.warning D.pointing 13.A.handed B.laughed C.looked D.pointed 14.A.explained B. described C.appeared D.disappeared 15.A.among B.between C.under D. including 二、阅读理解(10分) "You see,Watsoh,he said later in Baker Street.It was perfectly obvious from the start that the only explanation for the Red-Headed League was to get Mr.Jabez.Wilson out of his shop for a number of hours every day.It was a strange way of doing it.But I cant think of a better one.Clay no doubt got the idea from the colour of his accompl


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