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50岁男性患者 肝包膜下血管瘤 楔形动脉期一过性强化灶 B超见楔形区域—低回声, 彩色多普勒可见肝动脉-门静脉分流 6B?—50-year-old man with small round hemangioma beneath Glissons capsule in right hepatic lobe and intralesional arterioportal shunt producing sectorial wedge-shaped arterial phenomenon. Axial T2-weighted (TR/TE, 830/80) (A) and axial gradient-echo unenhanced T1-weighted (216/1.5) (B) MR images show right hepatic lobe nodule (arrow) that is strongly hyperintense in?A?and hypointense in?B. * 学习交流PPT 肝包膜下的血管瘤 楔形动脉期一过性强化灶 * 学习交流PPT B超见楔形区域—低回声, 彩色多普勒可见病灶内肝动脉-门静脉分流 * 学习交流PPT 34岁女性患者 FNH 虹吸-盗血 1A?—34-year-old woman with fibronodular hyperplasia in left hepatic lobe determining homolateral lobar transient hepatic intensity difference (lobar siphoning effect). Axial T2-weighted MR image (TR/TE, 830/80) shows slightly hyperintense nodule (arrow) in left hepatic lobe. * 学习交流PPT 34岁女性患者 FNH 虹吸-盗血 病灶周围的强化灶 肝段型实质强化 parenchyma in segments II-IV. * 学习交流PPT 34岁女性患者 FNH 虹吸-盗血 病灶周围的强化灶 肝段型实质强化 parenchyma in segments II-IV. 门静脉期病灶周围未见强化灶 * 学习交流PPT 血管瘤 虹吸-盗血 病灶周围的强化灶 肝段性的强化灶? segment II. * 学习交流PPT 胆管炎 多形性 炎性刺激动脉扩张、盗血 * 学习交流PPT T2见扩张的单管,肝周渗出(图1) (图2)管周动脉强化供血,一过性强化 (图3)分布在扩张的胆管旁,假球状强化灶,容易误诊为局部病灶。 5C?—57-year-old woman with cholangitis and nonsectorial transient hepatic intensity differences in hepatic dome. Axial gradient-echo T1-weighted gadolinium-enhanced arterial phase MR images (146/2) show further appearance of arterializations with biliary vessel disease: peribiliary (arrows,?B), distributed along dilated biliary vessels, and pseudoglobular, mimicking a focal lesion (arrowhead,?C). * 学习交流PPT 先天性的肝动脉门静脉瘘 * 学习交流PPT 先天性肝动脉-门静脉分流 congenital arterioportal shunt. —63-year-old man with sectorial transient hepatic intensity difference in right hepatic lobe caused by congenital arterioportal shunt. Axial gradient-echo T1-weighted gadolinium-enhanced arterial phase MR images (TR/TE, 146/2) show arterial phenomenon (arrowheads) caused by arterioportal shunt (arrow,?A). * 学习交流PPT segment VIII 男性65患者,活检后持续存在局部楔形


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