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来自骑士(Ridder)的新 型薄膜温室配套产品 Introducing the NEW Ridder Poly Assortment Serving the Greenhouse Growing Industry 服务于温室种植 Developments International Growing Industry 世界种植产业的发展 Markets requirements 市场与需求 增长 扩张 改变 Growth VENLO Glass 文洛玻璃温室 大跨度温室 Expansion Shift Greenhouse Widespan 大跨度温室 塑料温室 连栋温室 Widespan Poly Greenhouses Gutter connected 高顶塑料大棚 单栋塑料大棚 High Poly Tunnel Free standing poly houses 简易设施 Simple protection Shade- and Nethouses, Walk-in and Low tunnels Direct Cover and Mulch, Solar lean to green 遮阳网棚,低顶大棚 直接覆盖护根,阳光 照射方向种植作物 Developments International Growing Industry 世界种植产业的发展 Markets requirements 市场与需求 传统系列产品 文洛玻璃温室 大跨度温室 高科技市场 Traditional Ridder portfolio High-Tech market 大跨度温室 塑料温室 连栋温室 最合适的技 术 :适用策略 Best Fit Technology - ADAPTING STRATEGY 高顶塑料大棚 单栋塑料大棚 可提升空间 Opportunity for growth 简易设施 Simple protection 遮阳网棚,低顶大棚 Shade- and Nethouses, Walk-in and Low tunnels Direct Cover and Mulch, Solar lean to green 直接覆盖护根,阳光 照射方向种植作物 塑料温室用户需要什么? What do Poly Greenhouse User need? 基于研究得出结论 Based on our study Reliability 可靠 Adaptability 适用 Intelligence 智能 Simplicity 简单 Effectiveness 高效 Durability 持久 7 7/4/2016 引入Introducing 新型薄膜温室配套产品 The new Poly Assortment 减速箱(RPG) Poly 卷幕系统 Poly Rollup system 电机控制箱 Motor Control Box Gear box 齿条齿轮 Poly Racks Pinions 伸缩式万向轴 Poly Telescope Cardan 温室系统应用 Greenhouse System Applications 为薄膜温室精心打造的配套产品 A focused assortment adapted to Poly Greenhouses Venlo Greenhouse 文洛型温室 Open Roof Greenhouse 顶开窗温室 Widespan Greenhouse 大跨度温室 Gutter Connected Poly Greenhouse 连栋塑料温室 Free standing Poly Greenhouse 单栋塑料温室 Venting 通风 Truss Rail Ventilation 桁架轨道通风 Rack and pinion ventilation direct 齿轮齿条直接通风 Side ventilation 侧通风 Rack and pinion ventilation indirect 齿轮齿条间接通风 Swinging ventilation 摇摆通风 Screening 幕帘 Horizontal wire screen 横丝幕帘 Horizontal push pull screen 推拉幕帘 Vertical rollup screen (e.g. TWINROL-screen, roof-roller Winching 绞盘 Direct Winches 直接绞盘 Indirect Winches 间接绞盘 9 7/4/2016 温室系统应用 Greenhouse System Applications 为薄膜温室精心打造的配套产品 A focused assortment ada


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