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1.Sergey Brin: I want to discuss a question I know thats been pressing on many of your minds. Sergey Brin:我要先讨论一个问题。 我知道关于这个问题你们中的许多人已经想了很久了。 2.We spoke to you last several years ago. 几年前我们与大家交流过。 3.And before I get started today, since many of you are wondering, I just wanted to get it out of the way. 那么今天在我开始之前, 由于你们中的很多人都想知道答案 我只想很快地说一下。 4.The answer is boxers. 答案就是:男士四角内裤。 5.Now I hope all of you feel better. 现在我希望你们都感觉好些了。 6.Do you know what this might be? Does anyone know what that is? 你们知道这个可能是什么吗?有没有人知道那是什么? 7.Audience: Yes. 观众:我知道。 8.SB: What is it? SB:那是什么? 9.Audience: Its people logging on to Google around the world. 观众:是全球的人在登录Google。 10.SB: Wow, OK. I didnt really realize what it was when I first saw it. SB:哇啊,好的! 当我第一次看到时,我真地不知道那是什么。 11.But this is what helped me see it. 但,是这个帮助我看清楚那是什么。 12.This is what we run at the office, that actually runs real time. 这是我们在办公室里进行的工作。事实上,这是实时运转的。 13.Here its slightly logged. 这儿只有很少一部分人登陆。 14.But here you can see around the world how people are using Google. 可是,从这儿你可以看全世界 有多少人在使用Google。 15.And every one of those rising dots represents probably about 20, 30 searches, or something like that. 而且这些每一个上升的点 表示可能大约有二三十个搜索, 或者类似的情况。 16.And theyre labeled by color right now, by language. 现在,这些点都用不同的颜色和语言分别进行标注。 17.So you can see: here we are in the U.S., and theyre all coming up red. 所以你们可以看到:这儿我们是在美国, 他们都是用红色显示的。 18.There we are in Monterey -- hopefully I can get it right. 那儿就是我们现在所在的城市蒙特雷--希望我说对了。 19.You can see that Japan is busy at night, right there. 你们可以看到夜间的日本很忙, 就是那儿。 20.We have Tokyo coming in in Japanese. 我们将东京用日文标出。 21.Theres a lot of activity in China. 中国有很多活动。 22.Theres a lot of activity in India. 印度有很多活动。 23.Theres some in the Middle East, the little pockets. 中东有一些活动,就是那些有很细光束的地方。 24.And Europe, which is right now in the middle of the day, is going really strong with a whole wide variety of languages. 那么,欧洲现在正值中午, 所以流量非常大,涵盖了大量不同的语言。 25.Now y


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