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1.When I was little -- and by the way, I was little once -- my father told me a story about an 18th century watchmaker. 当我还小的时候- 我也曾有年幼的时候- 我父亲告诉过我一个 关于18世纪的一个制表匠的故事 2.And what this guy had done: he used to produce these fabulously beautiful watches. 这位制表匠 做了很多精美的手表 3.And one day, one of his customers came into his workshop and asked him to clean the watch that hed bought. 一天,他的一位客人来到他的作坊 要制表匠清洗他在此购买的手表 4.And the guy took it apart, and one of the things he pulled out was one of the balance wheels. 制表匠拆开表 取出的零件中有一个平衡轮 5.And as he did so, his customer noticed that on the back side of the balance wheel was an engraving, were words. 客人注意到 在平衡轮的背后刻着 一些字 6.And he said to the guy, Why have you put stuff on the back that no one will ever see? 客人问 “你为什么在谁也看不见的地方 刻上字?” 7.And the watchmaker turned around and said, God can see it. 制表匠转过身说 “上帝看得见” 8.Now Im not in the least bit religious, neither was my father, but at that point, I noticed something happening here. 我不是在拿宗教说事 我父亲也不是 但是那一刻,我感受到了什么 9.I felt something in this plexus of blood vessels and nerves, and there must be some muscles in there as well somewhere, I guess. 我感受到 在我的血脉和神经里的什么 当然我觉得肯定也有肌肉 10.But I felt something. 我能感受到 11.And it was a physiological response. 这是一种真实的反应 12.And from that point on, from my age at the time, I began to think of things in a different way. 从那一刻,那个年纪 我开始用不同的方式思考 13.And as I took on my career as a designer, I began to ask myself the simple question: Do we actually think beauty, or do we feel it? 随着我走上设计师的职业道路 我开始问自己一个简单的问题: 我们思考“美”吗? 还是感受它? 14.Now you probably know the answer to this already. 也许你现在已经知道了答案 15.You probably think, well, I dont know which one you think it is, but I think its about feeling beauty. 你可能会想,“不知道你是怎么认为 但我觉得美是感受而来的” 16.And so I then moved on into my design career and began to find some exciting things. 而随着我的设计师生涯的继续 我开始发现一些令人惊讶的东西 17.One of the most early work was done in automotive design -- some very exciting work was d


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