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1.Video: Narrator: An event seen from one point of view gives one impression. (影像:旁白:同一个事件,从一个角度看 让人产生一种印象。2.Seen from another point of view, it gives quite a different impression. 从另一个角度看,又让人产生一种完全不同的印象。3.But its only when you get the whole picture you can fully understand whats going on. 但只有看到整个画面,才能了解 全部真相。)4.Sasha Vucinic: Its a great clip, isnt it? 沙沙维基尼:非常好的一个短片,是不是?5.And I found that in 29 seconds, it tells more about the power of, and importance of, independent media than I could say in an hour. 我发现这个短片在29秒内所表达的 独立媒体的威力和重要性 比我讲一个小时的话还要有力。6.So I thought that it will be good to start with it. 所以我认为今天的演讲以它开头很恰当。7.And also start with a little bit of statistics. 下面我们来看一些统计数据。8.According to relevant researchers, 83 percent of the population of this planet lives in the societies without independent press. 据有关研究表明,这个星球上83%的人口 生活在没有独立媒体的社会中。9.Think about that number: 83 percent of the population on the whole planet does not really know what is going on in their countries. 仔细想想这个数字:这个星球上83%的人 并不知道他们的国家里究竟在发生什么事。10.The information they get gets filtered through somebody who either twists that information, or colors that information, does something with it. 他们得到的信息已经被别人 以歪曲事实、添油加醋、或其他方式 过滤了。11.So theyre deprived of understanding their reality. 就这样,他们被剥夺了了解事实的权利。12.That is just to understand how big and important this problem is. 以上说的这些让我们了解了这个问题有多大、多重要。13.Now those of you who are lucky enough to live in those societies that represent 17 percent, I think should enjoy it until it lasts. 那么在座的各位中生活在另外那17%的社会里的, 希望你们在独立媒体尚存的时候好好珍惜。14.You know, Sunday morning you flick the paper, get your cappuccino. 星期日早晨,你翻开报纸,品着咖啡,15.Enjoy it while it lasts. 在它尚存时好好珍惜。16.Because as we heard yesterday, countries can lose stars from their flags, but they can also lose press freedom, as I guess Americans among us can tell us more about. 这么说是因为我们昨天听说了,一个国家不仅能丢掉她国旗上的星星, 还能丢掉新闻自由, 我想我们中间的美国朋友们就此有很多话要讲。17.But thats totally another a
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