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水果商城系统 摘要:网络购物作为一种全新的销售方式赢得了越来越多销售者的青睐,近年来销售额更是以连年翻番的惊人速度成倍增长.网络购物已经形成了自身特有的网络销售市场和全新的网络营销模式,也使网络营销渠道应运而生.同时,伴随着水果市场的不断扩大,水果行业内的竞争日趋激烈,网络营销渠道的出现给一向以渠道致胜的水果行业带来了机遇和挑战.首先是快速更新水果商城的信息,其次是大量信息的管理,最后是高度安全,以及使用简单等特性,这使得水果商城系统的管理和运营非常方便。进入21世纪,因为科技和经济的迅速发展,人民群众对非物质层面的精神需求正变得越来越多元化。本系统是为了实现这些目标而提出来的。 本论文系统地描绘了整个网上水果商城系统的设计与实现,主要实现的功能有以下几点:管理员;主页、个人中心、水果库管理、用户管理、系统管理、订单管理,用户;首页、水果库、新闻资讯、我的、跳转到后台、购物车、客服,等功能,其具有简单的接口,方便的应用,强大的互动,完全基于互联网的特点。 现代社会的网络和信息技术不断提高,人们的生活水平达到一个新的境界。水果成为大家的热爱,但由于用户的工作和生活越来越忙,开发出一个网上水果商城是必然的,简化销售的过程的程序,正是我们所需要的。这篇文章研究了基于JSP的水果商城系统的开发和实现,从需求分析、总体设计到具体实现,最终完成了整个在线水果商城系统,从而方便了用户和提高了管理员人员的管理水平。 关键词:水果商城系统,JSP技术,Java语言,数据库MYSQL Fruit mall system Abstract: as a new way of sales, online shopping has won the favor of more and more sellers. In recent years, the sales volume has doubled in recent years. Online shopping has formed its own unique network sales market and new network marketing mode, which also makes the network marketing channel emerge as the times require. At the same time, with the continuous expansion of the fruit market, online shopping has become the focus of attention, The competition in the fruit industry is becoming more and more fierce. The emergence of network marketing channels has brought opportunities and challenges to the fruit industry which has always won by the channels. First, the information of the fruit mall is updated quickly, followed by the management of a large amount of information. Finally, it is highly safe and easy to use, which makes the management and operation of the fruit mall system very convenient. In the 21st century, with the rapid development of science and technology and economy, the spiritual needs of the people on the non-material level are becoming more and more diversified. This system is put forward to achieve these goals. This paper systematically describes the design and implementation of the whole online fruit mall system. The main functions are as follows: administrator; home page, personal center, f


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