2021-2022学年外研版七年级英语上学期期末复习题(word 版 无答案).docx

2021-2022学年外研版七年级英语上学期期末复习题(word 版 无答案).docx

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七年级下册模拟练习题 一、单项选择 1.She likes playing_________ violin, but she doesnt like playing________ basketball. A. the, a B./,the C. the; the D the;/ 2-When and where were you born? -I was born _______October Ist,1998 Suzhou. A. on ;on B.in; in C .on, in D.in, on 3. There__________ a piano lesson this weekend A. will going to be B. is going to have C. is going to be D. will have 4.-When_________ you to China? -In February, 1999 A.do, come B. do,came C .did, come D. did,came 5. The bedroom is clean I like the bed. It is_________. A. dirty B old C .heavy D. comfortable 6. -What is your best friend like? A She is a student B. She is nice and friendly C.She likes doing some sightseeing D. She doesn’t like anything 7.-will you be back? -In a week A. How often B. How long C. How far D. How soon 8. I’m_________ with my job, so I decide to look for a new one. A. bored B. happy C. excited D. friendly 9.I_________ this book yesterday. You can take it away. A. finish reading B. finished read C. will finish read D. finished reading 10. We met two_________ and four_________ in the street yesterday. A. Germen; Englishmen B. Germen; Englishman C German, Englishmen D. Germans, Englishmen 11.The museum is__________ the church_________ the palace. A. between; and B. from, to C. between; to D. from; and 12_________ exciting story it is! A. What a B. How C. What an D. How a 13.The purple dress looks beautiful and I want to_________. A. try it on B.turn it on C. try on it D. turn on it 14. -It isnt a lovely day ,is it? -It will be rainy later A. Yes, it isn’t B. No, it is C. No, it isn’t D. Yes, it is 15.-Excuse me, _________. -Go along the street and you will see a bank. It’s opposite the bank. A. Is there a bus stop here? B. How can I get to the bus stop? C. Why do you go to the bus stop? D. What do you think of the bus stop? 二、完型填空。 O. Henry was a pen na


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