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《楚文化概论(双语)》教学大纲 课程名称:楚文化概论(双语) 课程英文名称:An Introduction to the Chu Culture (Bilingual courses) 课程编码:0402ZY101 课程类别/性质:专业/必修 学 分:2 总学时/理论/实验(上机):32 开课单位:人文与新媒体学院 适用专业:历史学(师范) 先修课程:中国古代史 一、课程简介 《楚文化概论(双语)》是历史学(师范)专业的一门专业选修课。这门课 程主要利用汉语和基础的英语讲授楚文化的基本概念、内涵及文化成就;旨在反 映中国地域文化中楚文化的特点;了解楚文化的重要内容;学会利用英语基本了 解、阅读楚文化相关的英文文献;通过该门课程的学习,还能使学生能基本翻译 楚文化的相关古籍、对外介绍楚文化的系统知识。 本课程以先秦时期独具地域特色的楚文化作为主讲内容,结合楚文化考古新 发现和最新研究成果,从历史、哲学、文学、绘画、雕塑、音乐、舞蹈、民俗、 科技等方面对楚文化进行全方位的讲解,旨在提高大学生的人文素质和文化修 养,对于弘扬楚文化精神,利用楚文化资源具有一定的现实意义。进一步培养学 生进行双语的文化交流和学术交流的能力,提升历史系学生的跨文化交际能力, 也有利于中国传统文化的国际传播。 Introduction to Chu Culture (Bilingual Course) is an elective course for history major. This course mainly uses Chinese and basic English to teach the basic concept, connotation and cultural achievements of Chu culture. To reflect the characteristics of Chu culture in Chinese regional culture; Understand the important content of Chu culture; Learn to use English basic understanding, reading chu culture related English literature; Through the study of this course, students can also be able to basically translate the ancient books related to chu culture and introduce the systematic knowledge of Chu culture to the outside world. Unique geographical characteristics of this course in the pre-qin period as the master chu culture content, combined with new archaeological finds of chu culture and the latest research results, from the history, philosophy, literature, painting, sculpture, music, dance, folk custom, science and technology, etc, to comprehensive 94 interpretation of chu culture, aims to improve college students humanistic quality and cultural accomplishment, to carry forward the spirit


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