仁爱版七年级英语下册Unit6 Topic 2 Section B课件.ppt

仁爱版七年级英语下册Unit6 Topic 2 Section B课件.ppt

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Unit 6 Our Local Area;Section B;Teaching aims and demands ;(2)Learn other new words and phrases: neighbor, corner, mail, hear, piano, loud, really, at the end of … 2.(1)Go on learning the structure of“There be”. There is one in front of our building. There are no houses on the right.;(2)Review the prepositions of position. There is one on the street corner. Mr. Smart lives at the end of Elm Road. Mr. Jackson lives between Mr. Smart and Mr. Lee.;3.Talk about the facilities and living environments in the community. 4.Talk about the relationships between neighbors and learn to understand others’ feelings and respect each other.;Review; New Words;store;bank;There is a store on the street corner.; New Words; New Words; New Words; New Words; New Words;1a;Listen, read and say;Michael: Excuse me, I am Michael, your new neighbor. Mary: Oh, welcome! I’m Mary. Would you like me to help you? Michael: Yes, thanks. I’m looking for a store. Are there any near here? ;Mary: Yes, there is one in front of our building. Michael: OK. And is there a bank here? Mary: Well, there is one on the street corner. Michael: Thanks. ;1.Listen to the 1a and answer the questions:;Listen to 1a and fill in the blanks.;Match the pictures with the phrases.;Match the pictures with the phrases.;( ) bookstore ( ) restaurant ( ) post office ( ) parking lot ( ) railway station ( ) hospital ( ) bank ( ) supermarket ( ) park;Listen again and write the places in the correct positions.;Look at the picture and put the following sentences in the correct order. ; Could you help me? Of course. Oh, its very nice of you. = Its very kind of you. ;Suppose your neighbor comes to borrow yo


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