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Review relate (key terms contents)
Intercultural Communication in English
Culture (Unit 2)
(Definitions Metaphors; Intercultural-ness)
Communication (Unit 2) (Elements of Characteristics:
Context; Participants; Messages;
Channels; Noise; Feedback )
Cultural Differences / Diversities
(Unit 3)
(Addressing; Friendship;
Family Structure) (The Kluckhohn-Strodtbeck Chart: Five Basic Qs / Value Systems; Hofstede’s Five Dimensions;
High-/Low-Context Cultures)
Language and Culture (Unit 4) (Categorizations; Colors; Animals;
Plants; Kinship terms; Titles 头衔)
(The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis)
Verbal communication (Unit 5)
( Conversation / Discourse Style; Hign-involvement/high-considerateness; direct/indirect-ness;
Ping-Pong/Bowling Game; Person/Status-Oriented;
Self-Enhancement/Effacement style; Speaker/Listen-Responsible)
Nonverbal communication (Unit 6) (Hand Gestures; Eye Contact; Postur 姿 势 ; Bowing; Touching; Smile/Laugh; Silence )
Time (Unit 7) (Pace of life;
Monochronic and Polychronic Time)
单一 时间 多元时间 观
Space (Unit 7)
(Personal Space; Home Space:
layout, invitation and reception)
(Unit 8, 9, 10)
Intercultural Perception
Intercultural Adaptation (适应)
Acquiring Intercultural Competence (Ethnocentrism
种族(或民族、社会集团、文化)优越感; 种族(或民族)中心主义
Culture Shock
文化冲击/震荡: 突然处于一个与前大不相同的社会和文化环境中因而感到困惑、忧虑、烦恼的心情 (北京人在纽约 )
Return Cultural Shock
Also: reverse cultural shock;
the feeling of not fitting in to your home country--a mixture of emotions, after living abroad for an
extended time) (e.g. 纽约人在北京 )
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