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Unit 6 I like music that I can dance to. (Section B 3a—4) Teaching Goals Knowledge Goals:Words, Phrases and Sentences. Ability Goals:Improve students’ reading skills; Learn to write reviews. Emotional Goals :Learn to express preferences and improve the feeling of beauty. fish fisherman 渔夫 late latest 最近的 photograph photography photographer 照片;相片 摄影;照相 摄影者;摄影师 interest 使……感兴趣 interested 感兴趣的 gallery 美术馆;画廊 display on display 展览;陈列 suggest 显示;暗示 energy 活力;力量 pros 赞成的观点 cons 反对的观点 entertainment 娱乐;乐趣 feature 特点;特征 Enjoy a poem A fisherman comes to visit a gallery. He’s interested in the latest photography. Seeing so many classes on display, He feels full of the energy. “Please give me some pros and cons, Okay?” “They suggest the greatest features only.” 一位渔夫来到一个美术馆,他对那些最新的摄影感兴趣。 看到这么多种类的作品在陈列,他感到浑身充满了力量。 “请给我一些赞美和批评吧?” “它们显示的只有最棒的特征。” Enjoy a movie Underline the things the reviewers like and dislike. This is Hong Tao’s latest movie. I like Hong Tao. Hes made some great movies over the years. Unfortunately, this is his worst movie. If you’re looking for entertainment, stay at home and watch TV. Yellow River Fisherman is too long, and it’s really boring. It does have a few good features, though. I thought the fisherman’s wife was really funny . Yellow River Fisherman fisherman 渔夫 latest 最近的 entertainment 娱乐;乐趣 feature 特点;特征 Amy Kim, Pho


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