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(1)  “Youre just in time, Joe. Were going to play cowboy(s  牛仔) and Indians, and you can be the Indians. ” One of my cousins(堂兄弟)said. “How many Indians?” I asked. “Oh, about a thousand. ” He answered, and before I could say no ,I was pushed out into the night and became a thousand Indians. Two minutes later I was running in the fields with a group of cowboys behind. The shouts of “After them. Lets catch the killers!” and other such TV play language came into my ears as I ran round a corner and hurried into my Grandpas car. “Weve got him, boys. Lets go and catch him!” But no one wanted to come to get me. All of my cousins except one were always very friendly with. It was quiet outside. And I went out of the car to have a look. Just then I heard a shout , “Bring the rope(绳子), and we can burn him. ” “Only Indians burn people. Cowboys. ” I stopped just in time. I had almost said, “Cowboys hang(绞死)people. ” I was tied to a tree, and the cowboys were looking for some wood when my dear mother called, “Were leaving now. ” “Untie me.” I shouted. ”Were going. “Why did Bobby want matche(s Dad whether he had any. ” 火柴)?”Mum asked when we were in the car.“He was asking “oh, he was just going t matches? MATCHES? Are you sure he wanted matches” Mother was quite sure, and I didnt say any more. How many children played the Indians? [ ] A.One thousand One hundred One group D.One Why did Joes cousin say that Joe was just in time? Because . [ ] A.there were not enough children four the game the game was just going to start none of his cousins wanted to be the Indians they were waiting for Joe Joe didnt say “Cowbays hang people.” Because . [ ] A.he was tied to a tree that would make things worse he was caught by the cowboys that would make the cowboys angry 4.Which of the following is TRUE? [ ] One of Joes cousins was looking for matches. Dad didnt want to give the children any matches. Bobby wanted to get some matches from his father. Mum didnt think children should play with


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