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BPD Definition / 定义;S;Benefits益处;BPD vs Vision / BPD与宗旨;BPD and the PDCA Cycle;Strategic Planning 战略规划;Targets Deployment / 目标分解;S = Specific, targets are not general, they are precise. 具 体 的,指 标 不 是 笼 统 的 而 是 精 确 的 M = Measurable, by at least two measures. 可 衡 量 的,至 少 有 两 种 衡 量 标 准 A = Agreed upon by all who are responsible for reaching it. 征 得 所 有 负 责 实 施 的 人 同 意的 R = Realistic, targets are achievable, though challenging. 现 实 的,通 过 努 力,指 标 是 可 以 实 现 的 T = Timed - a target often changes month by month, depending on situation. 有 时 限 的- 指 标 经 常 根 据 形 势 每 月 进 行 更 改;Goals 目的;OBJECTIVES are what one is trying to achieve by a particular course of action. They support the attainment of a goal.目的是试着通过某个特殊的活动来达成的,它们支持实现一个总体目标。 OBJECTIVES: Directly support goals and are agreed to by all levels of the organization直接支持目标并且经过公司所有级别的同意。 Are more specific than goals比目标更具体 Are documented on the annual plan写在年度计划上 Are followed up and reviewed monthly每月进行跟踪和回顾 There may be one, two, or three objectives per each goal. It is best to limit the number of objectives per goal, so that the team can remain focused on top priority items.每个目标可能有一、二或三个目的。每个目标最好限制目的的数量以便班组能关注最优先考虑的问题。;Targets指标;Proposed Format 新建议格式;Action 行动;Why Update Is Important 为什么更新重要;Historic behind schedule or ahead of schedule 以前拖期或超前的情况记录; Visual Management 目视化管理;BPD – Visual Management BPD目视管理;LEVEL I;LEVEL II;LEVEL III;第21页/共22页;感谢您的观赏!


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