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分类号 编 号 华北水利水电学院 继续教育学院 North China Institute of Water Conservancy and Hydroelectric Power 自考助学毕业设计(论文) 题目 助学学校 专 业 姓 名 准考证号 指导教师 年 月 日 摘要 在商务谈判过程中,让步策略是谈判成功的必要保证。让步策略是指在谈判过程中,利益主体为了满足自己的某种利益需要,必须放弃另外一些利益需要,以达到解决彼此之间的分歧,互相协调,利益互补的目的。 商务谈判活动是在经济活动中,谈判双方通过协商来确定交换各种条件的一项必不可少的活动,它可以促进双方达成协议,是双方洽谈的一项重要环节。商务谈判是相互调整利益,减少分歧,并最终确立共同利益的行为过程。如果谈判技巧掌握不合适,不但会使双方发生冲突导致贸易的破裂,更会造成经济上的损失。在商务谈判中,应善于收集与谈判内容有关的信息,善于进行认真分析思考,抓住问题的本质,然后将自己所要表达的内容,运用恰当的方式与策略将其准确、简练的表达出来。其次,了解选择谈判时间、地点的技巧,它们在谈判中也占有重要的地位。最后,要把握谈判的策略。如:开局策略,报价策略,拒绝策略等。 俗话说“退一步海阔天空”。其实谈判就是一个让步妥协的过程,而让步又是商务谈判中的普遍现象。可以说有商务谈判的存在,就有让步行动;没有了让步行动也就没有了商务谈判。让步其实是双方为了达成有效的协议而不得不采取的行动,那么在商务谈判中的让步究竟又有什么学问呢?本文将会对成功商务谈判中的让步策略进行研究和解读。 Abstract In the course of business negotiations, concessions policy is necessary to ensure success of the negotiations. Concessions strategy in the negotiation process, stakeholders in order to meet the need of an interest, you must give up some benefits will be required to resolve their differences and co-ordination, complementarity of interests purpose. The business negotiations Activities in economic activities, the negotiating parties through consultation to determine the exchange of a variety of conditions related to an essential activities, which can promote agreement between the parties is an important part of negotiations between the two sides. Business negotiations people glue mutual adjustment of interests, reduce differences, and, ultimately, the establishment of common interests do behavioral processes. If negotiation skills to master inappropriate, not only will make the two sides clashed resulting in the breakdown of trade, but also lead to economic losses. In business negotiations, should be good to collect informati


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