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⼭⼭东东省省德德州州市市2018年年中中考考英英语语真真题题试试题题 ((含含答答案案)) ⼭东省德州市2018年中考英语真题试题 ⼀、听⼒测试 (共25⼩题;1~20⼩题,每⼩题1分;21~25⼩题,每⼩题2分;总 30分;每⼩题约有8秒钟的答题时间) (⼀)录⾳中有五个句⼦,每个句⼦听两遍,然后从每⼩题A、B、C中选出能对每个句⼦做出适当反应的答语。 (5分) 1.A . Sure. Here you are B. Thank you. C. You are welcome. 2.A . That’ true. B. It’ a good idea. C. That’ great new ! 3.A . Oh, orry. B. You have got no chance ! C. That’ no excu e. 4.A . It’ cool. B. I don’t agree. C. Sure, no problem. 5.A . So am I. B. Nice work! C. What i it? (⼆)录⾳中有三个句⼦,每个句⼦对应⼀副图⽚,每个句⼦听两遍,然后选择与句⼦内容相对应的图⽚。 (3分) 6. 7. 8. (三)录⾳中有五组对话,听对话两遍后,从每⼩题A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。 (5分) 9.Who doe the woman buy a jacket for? A . Her daughter B. Her on C. Her hu band 10.How doe the man go to Dongting Lake? A . By bu B. By taxi C. By train 11.What’ the woman going to do during the ummer holiday? A . To tay at home B. To tudy at chool C. To work a a volunteer 12.Why doe the woman feel tired? A . She need a re t B. She went rock-climbing la t night C. She wa too excited to leep well la t night 13.Why can’t the woman get good mark in hi tory? A . She doe n’t like hi tory B. She can’t remember the date C. She doe n’t work hard (四)录⾳中有⼀段长对话,听对话两遍后,从每⼩题A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。 (4分) 14.What’ the relation hip between the two peaker ? A . Friend B. Neighbor C. A couple 15.When w ill the woman hold a party? A . Thi Saturday evening B. Thi Saturday afternoon C. Thi Sunday afternoon 16.Where doe the woman live? A . Acro the treet B. At the end of the treet C. Next to the man’ hou e 17.Why w ill the woman hold a party? A . To celebrate Chri tma B. To thank the new neighbor C. To get to know the new neighbor (五)录⾳中有三⼩段独⽩,听独⽩两遍后,根据独⽩内容,将信息配对。 (3分) 18.Annie A . tell Dori w hether to play ba ketball or not 19.Bill B. talk about the paper in tead of going fi hing w ith Jill 20.Michelle C. give Martin ome ugge tion on how to run the company (六)听⼒填表 (共5⼩题;录⾳


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