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Lesson One How to Get the Poor off Our Conscience John Kenneth Galbraith 第一页,共三十页。 Group 1 1.John Kenneth Galbraith Life Works Achievement 2.John.M.Keynes and Keynesian economics in 1930s 3. Reagans economics 4.Gini-Coefficient 第二页,共三十页。 Group 2 4.Social Darwinism 5.Supply-side economics 6.NIT 7.Milton Friedman 8.Adam Smith David Ricardo John D.Recketfeller 第三页,共三十页。 第四页,共三十页。 John Kenneth Galbraith Born:October 15,1908 Died :April 29,2006(aged 97) A Canadian-American economist A Keynesian (凯恩斯主义者) an institutionalist(经济思想史上的制度学派) 第五页,共三十页。 Early life and teaching: 1934 Ph.D in agricultural economics from the University of California, Berkeley. Became a tutor at Harvard University 1937 A year-long fellowship at the University of Cambridge(where he was influenced by John Maynard Keynes) 第六页,共三十页。 1939-1940 Taught at Princeton University 1949 Appointed professor of economics at Harvard Served as deputy head of the Office of Price Administration worked for Fortune Magazine for 5 years where he expounded (详细说明)Keynesianism to the American business leadership 第七页,共三十页。 During World War II 1961-1963 As an adviser to President John F. Kennedy, Galbraith was appointed United States Ambassador to India 1972 Served as president of the American Economic Association 2006 Died in Cambridge 第八页,共三十页。 Works Although he was a president of the American Economic Association, Galbraith was considered an iconoclast (打破旧习的人)by many economists 1977 The Age of Uncertainty for BBC television Hundreds of essays and a number of novels: Among his novels, A Tenured Professor achieved particular critical acclaim. 第九页,共三十页。 Some of Kenneths famous economics books 1952 American Capitalism: The Concept of Countervailing Power 1954 Best seller The Great Crash, 1929 1958 The Affluent Society 1973 Economics and the Public Purpose 1994 A Short History of Financial Euphoria 第十页,共三十页。 Honors 1985 The American


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