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Signal Analyzer
Operation Manual
Spectrum Analyzer Function
40th Edition
●For safety and warning information, please read this
manual before attempting to use the equipment.
●Additional safety and warning information is provided
within the MS2830A Signal Analyzer Operation Manual
(Mainframe Operation),MS2840A Signal Analyzer
Operation Manual (Mainframe Operation) or MS2850A
Signal Analyzer Operation Manual (Mainframe
Operation). Please also refer to them before using the
●Keep this manual with the equipment.
Document No.: M-W3336AE-40.0
Safety Symbols
To prevent the risk of personal injury or loss related to equipment malfunction, Anritsu Corporation uses the
following safety symbols to indicate safety-related information. Ensure that you clearly understand the meanings of
the symbols BEFORE using the equipment. Some or all of the following symbols may be used on all Anritsu
equipment. In addition, there may be other labels attached to products that are not shown in the diagrams in this
Symbols used in manual
DANGER This indicates a very dangerous procedure that could result in serious injury or
death if not performed properly.
WARNING This indicates a hazardous procedure that could result in serious injury or death if
not performed properly.
CAUTION This indicates a hazardous procedure or danger that could result in light-to-severe
injury, or loss related to equipment malfunction, if proper precautions are not tak
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