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In His Eyes In His Eyes Like Like every other Sunday morning, my best friend, Patty, dropped my godchildren, Jeremiah and Rachel, off at my apartment around 6 around 6:30 a.m. before she went on her way to work. And And, just like every other Sunday morning, we all went back to sleep for a couple of hours. When everyone awoke I made a quick breakfast breakfast and then the four of us , my husband, Larry, the kids and myself, hurried and got ourselves out the door for church , just like every other Sunday morning. just like every other Sunday morning. It wasn’t until we walked through the church doors and I saw the girl standing there passing out flowers that I remembered this It wasn’t until we walked through the church doors and I saw the girl standing there passing out flowers that I remembered this wasn’t like every other Sunday morning wasn’t like every other Sunday morning , it was Mother’s Day. Before Before I could stop him, Jeremiah, always the curious child, went up to the girl and tugged on her arm. “Linda, what are you doing doing?” He asked. Linda smiled at him and said brightly “I’m giving a flower to every mother in church today because it’s Mother’s day.” Linda smiled at him and said brightly “I’m giving a flower to every mother in church today because it’s Mother’s day.” Jeremiah’s eyes grew bright. “My mom had to work today. Can I have a flower to take home to give her Jeremiah’s eyes grew bright. “My mom had to work today. Can I have a flower to take home to give her?” I I was so proud of him at that moment. Jeremiah was often 1 )hyper, and it was sometimes hard for him to remember to speak slowly slowly and ask for things politely when he was excited. But he had been the perfect little gentleman when he asked for that flower . “Of course.” Linda answered “Of course.” Linda answered, and lowered the box she was holding so that Jeremiah could pick out a flower for Patty. Jeremiah Jeremiah turned towards me, proudly holding a pink carnation in his


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