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张腾金:基于 VUE 的移动端音乐 APP 的设计与实现 华东交通大学毕业设计 PAGE 48 PAGE 47 附录A 外文翻译—原文部分 Jonathan Stark. Building iPhone Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. American:OReilly Media,2010. When you’re browsing the Web, the pages that you are viewing are just text documents sitting on someone else’s computer. The text in a typical web page is wrapped in HTML tags, which tell your browser about the structure of the document. With this information, the browser can decide how to display the information in a way that makes sense. Consider the web page snippet shown in Example 1-1. On the first line, the string Hi there! is wrapped in a pair of h1 tags. (Notice that the open tag and the close tag are slightly different: the close tag has a slash as the second character, while the open tag does not.) Wrapping some text in h1 tags tells the browser that the words enclosed are a heading, which will cause it to be displayed in large bold text on its own line. There are also h2, h3, h4, h5, and h6 heading tags. The lower the number, the more important the header, so text wrapped in an h6 tag will be smaller (i.e., less important-looking) than text wrapped in an h3 tag. After the h1 tag in Example 1-1 are two lines wrapped in p tags. These are called paragraph tags. Browsers will display each paragraph on its own line. If the paragraph is long enough to exceed the width of the browser window, the text will bump down and continue on the next line. In either case, a blank line will be inserted after the paragraph to separate it from the next item on the page. The tags I’ve covered so far are all block tags. The defining characteristic of a block tag is that it is displayed on a line of its own, with no elements to its left or right. That is why headings, paragraphs, and list items progress down the page instead of across it. The opposite of a block tag is an inline tag, which, as the name implies, can appear in a line. The emphasis tag (em) is an example of an inline tag, and it looks like this: pI


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