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美容院合伙协议 合伙协议 合伙人: (姓名) (身份证号) 合伙人: 合伙人: 位合伙人共同经营位于 的美容院。 第一条 合伙期限 合伙期限为 年,以租房合同期限为参考时间。合伙协议一年一签。期满之后若继续合伙,再另行协商。 第二条 出资方式 合伙人每人出资 万元,共计 万元整。 第三条 合伙人必须认同的条件 美容院除做SPA所用精油外(精油不得销售),所有产品销售将以 的产品。 第四条 盈余分配与债务承担 (一)盈余分配。 1、除掉合理费用工资外,预留20%作为发展基金。其余80%平均分配。 2、定期进行旅游研讨学习,因故不能参与者,没有任何补贴。 (二)债务承担。如在合伙经营过程中有债务产生,先由预留的20%发展基金偿还,若发展基金不够,则剩余部分每人平均承担。 第五条 入伙、退伙,出资的转让 (一)入伙: 1、需经全体合伙人同意; 2、新入伙人必须承认并签署本合伙协议; 3、新合伙人享有同等权利义务。 (二)退伙: 1、自愿退伙; ?如美容院能每月盈利5000元以上,则全额退款; ?如美容院亏损,则只退入伙时下在个人卡上的美容产品; 2、除名退伙 ?加入其他美容院; ?故意或重大过失给合伙人造成经济损失; ?一年内对美容院无作为者; ?除名退伙结算参照退伙协议; 3、股份转让:在同等条件下,其他合伙人有优先受让权。如向合伙人以外的第三人转让,必须征得所有合伙人同意。 guidance to the work The work style of cadres, to see all of the masses concept, the ability and level of handling complex problems.Demolition of so much during the period, moved so much, did not lead to a big contradiction, not a petition, the key here. Second, adhere to the government push and market operation. On the one hand, to play to the government function, to the management to strengthen the management, the transformation of the timely transformation of the inputs to increase investment, the perfect perfect as soon as possible. On the other hand, we should vigorously promote the urban management system and mechanism reform, further decentralization. Recently, the city decided to several departments of city law enforcement functions all into each district, Wang Bin comrades have been attending a meeting for the arrangement, each district should earnestly shouldering responsibility, immediately put into work, can no longer take system not commenting. According to spend money to buy services, not to spend money to support people principle, promote the construction and management of the separation of custody separation , in the municipal facilities, landscaping, environmental health and other 第六条 合伙人的权利和义务 (一)合伙人的权利: 1. 合伙事务的决定权、监督权和具体的经营活动由合伙人共同决定,无论出资多少,每个人都有表决权,重大事项应由 位合伙人同意方可执行; 2. 合伙人享有合伙利益的分配权; 3. 合伙人分配合伙利益应以出资额比例或者按协议的约定进行,合伙经营积累 的财产归合伙


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