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PAGE PAGE 1 新时代大学生互联网贷款存在的问题及对策 摘 要 随着网购和网络支付技术的不断进步,互联网金融行业也得以突飞猛进,不断影响着人们的日常生活需求和消费方式。大学生不仅是社会的主要消费群体之一,同时又是具有潜在实力型的消费群体。这就导致一些不良平台借助互联网金融平台瞄准一些具有不良消费习惯的大学生,向他们宣传超前消费、贷款购买行为等金融产品,使不少尚无稳定经济来源的大学生轻易地陷入某些不良金融产品的危害之中,进而对大学生的正常学习以及生活产生巨大的不良影响,严重时甚至导致校园悲剧的发生。因此大学生自身、高校及社会各界校针对这种情况应该进行反思,应立即采取必要的措施,避免更严重的后果。本文系统性地分析了互联网背景下高校大学贷款购买行为中存在的问题,综合运用消费心理学、金融学等多学科知识,从学生自身、学校教育、社会环境三方面给出了合理的意见。为后续相关领域的学者提供了系统性的参考,具有一定的理论价值和实践意义。 关键词:大学生;贷款;互联网;消费 Abstract With the continuous progress of online shopping and online payment technology, the Internet finance industry has also made rapid progress, constantly affecting People's Daily life needs and consumption patterns. College students are not only one of the main consumer groups in the society, but also a potential real consumer group. This leads to some bad platform with the help of the Internet financial platform aiming at some to have the bad habit of college students, to promote consumption, loan purchases, such as financial products, make a lot of, there is no stable source of college students easily into some of the dangers of bad financial products, and then to the normal study and life of college students have a huge negative effects, Serious even lead to campus tragedy. Therefore, college students themselves, universities and schools from all walks of life should reflect on this situation and take necessary measures immediately to avoid more serious consequences. This paper systematically analyzes the problems existing in college loan purchase behavior under the background of Internet, and makes comprehensive use of multidisciplinary knowledge such as consumer psychology and finance to give reasonable opinions from students themselves, school education and social environment. It provides systematic reference for subsequent scholars in related fields and has certain theoretical value and practical significance. Key Words:College students; Loans; Internet; consumption 目 录 TOC \o "1-3" \h \u 12998 摘 要 I 20007 Abstr


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