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ANDRITZ S.A.S. 安德里茨(法国)有限公司 Engineer the Future with the Andritz HP Decanter Engineer the Future with the Andritz HP Decanter 安德里茨高性能离心机技术—— 引领未来 安德里茨高性能离心机技术—— 引领未来 法国安德里茨脱水机电力行业代理:南京国能环保工程有限公司 法国安德里茨脱水机电力行业代理:南京国能环保工程有限公司 02/03/04 – Decanter Presentation Company Presentation 公司简介 ANDRITZ SAS is the result of the recent merger of two major players in the French and international environmental markets - ANDRITZ SA and GUINARD CENTRIFUGATION SA. 安德里茨(法国)有限公司是国际环保领域的两巨头——安德里茨公司和法国坚纳公司的最 新完美融合 The equipment complementarity of these two companies as well as a common worldwide sales and service network has enabled the creation of long-term synergies. 整合两公司世界范围内的销售服务网络资源,实现长期的优势互补 The mixture of both company cultures, one family owned the other corporate owned, is the essence of the newly formed company combining the technological assets and know-how of two renowned companies. 融汇两公司的文化、技术和无形资产 法国安德里茨脱水机电力行业代理:南京国能环保工程有限公司 法国安德里茨脱水机电力行业代理:南京国能环保工程有限公司 02/03/04 – Decanter Presentation Andritz S.A.S. Sites 安德里茨(法国)工厂 • Over 50 years of experience • Over 50 years of experience in liquid-solid separation in liquid-solid separation 50多年的固液分离经验 50多年的固液分离经验 • Headquarters: • Headquarters: Paris Vélizy (78) – France Manufacturing plant Paris Vélizy (78) – France of Châteauroux (France) 总部:法国巴黎 总部:法国巴黎 法国制造厂 • Manufacturing plant: • Manufacturing plant: Châteauroux (36) – France Châteauroux (36) – France


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