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生水加热器运行操作规程 投运以前准备: 启动运行前需要检查加热器系统中的所有硬件是否完好;联接是否紧固正常。 启动监控系统查核显示的蒸气压力、温度、水压、水温是否正常。 在不供蒸气的情况下,空载手动测试电动调节阀的动作是否正常,并切换自动状态时,是否正常。 观测蒸气压力和水压,是否蒸气压力高于水压0.1Mpa或更大。 如果以上四项均达到要求,即可投入运行。 投入运行 开启供水阀门,调节水量,使水流量达到加热器额定流量50%以上。 初次投运时,需将调节阀设置为手动状态,并使阀门开度处于较小的位置(10%~20%),然后开启蒸气给阀门,并使开度至最大。 在检测和水温同时,调节阀的开度及其开度能达到技术要求温度,然后将控制切换到自动控制。 停止运行 在停止运行时,需首先关闭蒸气供给阀,然后关闭电动调节阀,在确认蒸气管路已完全个关闭的前提下,再关闭供水阀门和控制装置。 沈阳工兴节能设备厂 Operating Instructions for Raw Water Heater System Raw Water Heater Ⅰ. Preparations before Operation: Inspect whether all hardwires in the heater system are in good condition and the connection is tight and normal before commissioning. Inspect whether the steam pressure, temperature, water pressure and water temperature displayed are in order by starting monitoring system. Inspect whether electric control valve operates well through manual and no-load test when without steam supplied and whether operates well when being switched to automatic condition. Observe whether the steam pressure is 0.4Mpa or more higher than water pressure. The heater shall be put into operation if meeting the standards above. Ⅱ. Operation Open the water supply valve to regulate the water flow at over 50% of heater’s rated flow. Set the regulating valve at manual mode for initial operation to a smaller opening (10%-20%). Then open the steam supply valve to the maximum opening. Inspect the water temperature and adjust the opening of regulating valve, to meet the technical requirements. Then, switch the regulating valve into the automatic mode. Ⅲ. Operation Stoppage Close the steam supply valve first upon operation stoppage and then turn off the electric control valve. Finally close the water supply valve and control equipment when the steam supply tube is completely off. Shenyang Gongxing Energy-Saving Factory


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