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一、单词拼写 1. Art is hard to give a ________ definition. (精确的) 2. During the middle Ages, Western art works were often __________ and two-dimensional. (原始的;简单的) 3. While his paintings still had ________ themes, they showed real, people in a real environment. (宗教的) 4. Painters in the renaissance period began to adopt a more ________ attitude to life. (人性的) 5. An important ________(突破)during this period was the use of ________(透视法)by Masaccio. 6. In subject matter, the ________ (重点)of the renaissance paintings increasingly (改变)shifted from religious themes to people and the world around us. 7. People of high ________(级别)wanted to purchase ________(精确的)pictures of themselves. 8. Renoirs paintings sought to show people’s inner ________(温暖)and ________(人性)as well. 9. Painters such as Picasso (1881—1973) tried to ________(分析)the shapes in a new way, with Cubism. 10. This is a fine book, a ________(有价值的)addition to the Cambridge Encyclopedia series. 11. The majority of nurses are women,but in the higher ________(地位;级别) of the medical profession women are in a minority. 12. There is a new problem i_________ in the popularity of private cars.(卷入) 13. She was p_________ from subscribing to such a magazine.(阻止) 14. The company r_________ the astronomer with a journey to China last year.(回报) 15. It is necessary to e_________ how the proposals can be carried out.(检查;考察;检测) 16. They appeared surprisingly p ____________ about their chances of winning.(悲观) 17. He pointed my mistakes r_________, which made me embarrassed.(重复地) 18. His d_________ by his brother made him very angry.(控制) 19. Sometimes ignorance and n_________ outlooks on situations can create anger.(消极的) 20. The tutor shouldn’t become a target of your a_________.(辱骂) 21. He recalled that she never r____________ responded to his letter(回信). 二、单句语法填空 1. Hearing the meeting declared open, all the ________ (representative) applauded for a long time. 2. The box-office income of Chinese films has suffered from ____


1、各种学习体会和心得体会编写 2、汽车类知识课件编制

