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名字 成绩一, 单词填空(每题2分,共40分) He didn' t pay any (注意) to the teacher. The boy said very (粗鲁的)to that old man. It isn' t polite to read others' (私人的) letters. I was watching television when the telephone r. I stayed in bed (直至 U) lunchtime last Sunday. Yesterday I (寄) a present to my sister who is in another city. She often goes to that (公共的) park near her house. The heavy rain (损坏) my weekend. I have been to many d places in China. TOC \o "1-5" \h \z Sophie and her sister went to (参 观) the museum yesterday. Mr Smith live in a small town in the (中 心) of the city. He says he can (越 过) a distance of three miles in twenty minutes. A (鸽子) is a type of bird. I really have something (紧急 的) to do at the moment. Someone (敲) at the door when we were having dinner. 16, He (返回)to his house last Monday. Three policeman are keeping (警戒) at the door. He was a (侦探)before. This handbag is very (珍贵的) to me. His room is very (整洁的)and beautiful. 二,翻译(每题3分,共60分) 你跑得越快就会觉得越暖和。 Jenny的裙子比Sophia的漂亮。 Emma赢了这次写作竞赛。 T,_妈妈正在做饭时,我正在写作业。 令我惊讶的是,他通过了这次英语考试。 -T闲暇时,你都做什么? 7, 到目前为止,我都还没有去过国外。(up to now)8;我昨天一整天都在家发邮件。 9,我正在做作业时,有人敲门。 二.完 成 以 下 句 子]用 over, between, along, in front of, behind, 或 across 等介词或介词短 语填空(每题1分,共5分) A lot of birds are flying the river. The teacher is standing the blackboard. I am running the Great Wall (长城). They are swimming the river. I am sitting my brother and my sister. 三.用所给单词的适当形式填空:(每空I分,共10分) 、 He is not very(friend) towards newcomers (新来的). 、 She slammed the telephone down(angry).28、It was a sudden(decide) She works for that restaurant as a(waiter) She is very(exciting) about winning the first prize. What have you been done(late)32> We are very(please) with our new house 33> She( rare)visitedheraunt. 34、“What do you want? ” She asked(rude)35> I had a long(converse) with her the other day (不久前 一天). 四、完成句子:(每空1分,共20分) .中秋节的月亮好圆好大啊! andmoon it is on Mid-autumnDay and moon it is on Mid-autumn Day 你不应该把这本书带出图书馆You shouldn this bookthe38、 妈 妈 给 我裤。 this book the 38、


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