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读后续写之动作描写简单有效的六个微技能课件结构(建议隐藏)课件结构(已隐藏)基础技能:1. 运用具体动词替代笼统动词 2. 运用恰当短语替代普通动词中阶技能:3. 增加修饰成分 4. 构造动作链高阶技能:5. 多角度描述肢体动作 6. 构造动作面 如何使动作描写更饱满? 感知:结合语境,如何优化表达?1. Because of his lies, she looked at him.Because of his lies, she at him.2 With only twenty seconds left, I ran to the line.With only twenty seconds left, Ito the line.3. With only two minutes left, he ate his meal.With only two minutes left. He up his meal.4. She heard her mother say quietly as she walked down the hall, Dont wake your dad up.She heard her mother as she down the hall, Dont wake your dad up. glaredrush/dashed swallowed whisperedtiptoedSkill 1:Choose Accurate Verbs用精准动词代替笼统动词general words(笼统词) concrete words(具体词) walk run look say/talk cry eat general words(笼统词) concrete words(具体词) walk (蹑手蹑脚地走) run (猛冲) look (瞥见) (怒视) (凝视) say/talk (闲聊) (耳语) cry (啜泣) eat(咬) (咀嚼) (吞下) tiptoedash/rush glareglance stare chatwhisper weep/ sobchewswallowbite start/begin decide cry remember tired see attract get down to doingmake up ones mindburst into tearskeep in mindworn outcatch sight ofappeal toSkill 2:Choose proper phrases用恰当短语代替普通动词探究动作描写语料库sharp/bloody/frightening/scary/terribleThe fierce wolf stared at Mac with its _____________________teeth.______________________________(adv), he jumped off the bicycle and dashed into the car.As the hungry wolf was almost reaching him, Mac’s eyes were wide open __________________________. (in/with+名词)Immediately/Instantly/ Hurriedly/Breathlessly in fear/panic/horror/shockSkill 3:添加介词短语/副词修饰动作感知拥抱hug/embrace思考:Which picture is more vivid?冲向前跳起来一把抱住Skill 4:分解动作,形成动作链Action chains把动作过程分解成一连串的动作,构造动作链,让你的动作描写既丰富又生动!拥抱 hug一把抱住冲向前跳起来she dashed forward,jumped up and hugged the boy tightly.Sentence pattern 1:Sb. 谓语 A, 谓语B and 谓语 C1. 连续的动作,直接用并列谓语表达。More examples动作链ACTION CHAINS思考:跳入湖前有哪些动作rushed to the lake冲向湖边+ =took off their clothes脱掉衣服+孩子们跳入湖中嬉戏跳入水中jumped i



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