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Word Formation in English;phil-anthrop-ist;None (indecomposability);Formation of words;Affixation---the morphological process;1. Negative prefixes a- (or an-): anarchy---absence of government or control dis-: discancer----to deprive of cancer in- (or il-, or im-, or ir-): incorrect; illogical; immortal; irrelevant non-: nonsmoker; non-U (BrE.) un-: uninformative; unbooked; ;2. Reversative or privative prefixes de-: dis-: un-: 3. Pejorative prefixes mal-: mis-: pseudo-:;4. Prefixes of degree or size arch-: archenemy (chief enemy); archangel co- (or com, or col, or con, or cor): coeducation; combat; colleague; concur; correspondence hyper-: hypermarket (a very large shopping mall including a supermarket. mini-: (≠maxi-; midi-) out-: outlive (to live longer than) over-: overeat; overwork sub-: subnormal (below normal) super-: supersized; supernatural; superman;sur-: surpass (to go beyond in amount or degree) ultra-: ultraconservative (extremely conservative) under-: underestimate; undercharge 5. Prefixes of orientation and attitude anti-: anti-art; antinovel contra-: contradiction; contrafactual counter-: counterattack; counteract pro-: pro-student (favoring or siding with students);6. Locative prefixes fore-: forehead; foreword inter-: interview; interwar sub-: submerge (go under the surface of water); submarine super-: superscript; superstructure trans-: transplant; transform 7. Prefixes of time and order ex-: ex-wife; ex-president fore-: foretell; foresight post-: post-liberation; post-classical pre-: preschool; prehistory re-: review; recheck; renew;8. Number prefixes bi-, di-: bilingual; dioxide multi-, poly-: multi-media; polysemy semi-, demi-, hemi-: semiannual; demigod; hemisphere tri-: triangle; trillion uni-, mono-: uniform; monoplane 9. Miscellaneous neo-classical prefixes auto-: autobiography; automation extra-: extralinguistic; extracurricular neo-: neo-Nazi; neology;paleo-: paleozoology pan-: Pan-Americanism proto-: protohis



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