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尿常规及尿液有形成分分析在尿路感染 诊断中的应用价值 【摘要】:目的针对尿常规及尿液有形成分分析在尿路感染诊断中的应用 价值展开分析探讨。方法 选取我院 2018 年 12 月~2019 年 6 月收治的 80 例尿路 感染患者作为研究对象,均行尿常规及尿液有形成分分析,对其临床诊断中的应 用价值展开分析探讨。结果 尿常规+尿液有形成分分析联合检测的诊断阳性率高 于尿常规检测(P0.05),检验结果对比具有统计学意义;经尿常规+尿液有形 成分分析联合检测结果得知,亚硝酸盐的特异度最高,其次为细菌定量、白细胞 计数、中性粒细胞酯酶。结论 临床对尿路感染患者诊断中应用尿常规及尿液有 形成分分析,有助于迅速筛查与排除尿路感染,从而节省尿培养操作,诊断价值 高。 【关键词】:尿路感染;尿常规;尿液有形成分分析;初筛价值 The application value of routine urine an analysis of urine physical composition in the diagnosis of urinary tract infection [Abstract] Objective: To analyze and discuss the application value of urine routine and urine visible component analysis in the diagnosis of urinary tract infection.Methods a total of 80 patients with urinary tract infection admitte to our hospital from December 2018 to June 2019 were selecte as the study subjects. Urine routine an urine physical components were analyzed, an the application value in clinical diagnosis was analyze an discussed.Results The diagnostic positive rate was higher than that of routine urine test (P0.05), the test results were statistically significant.The results showe that the specificity of nitrite was the highest, followe by bacterial quantification, white bloo cell count an neutrophil esterase.Conclusion The application of urine routine and urine physical component analysis in the diagnosis of patients with urinary tract infection is helpful for rapid screening and elimination of urinary tract infection, thus saving the operation of urine culture and high diagnostic value. 【 Key words 】 : urinary tract infection;Routine urine;Analysis of visible composition of urine;Early screening value 尿路感染属于一种较为多见的泌尿系统疾病,多因各类病原体(真菌、病原 菌等)感染所致。清洁中段尿的尿培养是当前诊断尿路感染的金标准。但由于尿 培养等待时间至少需要 3d 及以上,且诊断阳性率相对较低、成本高等缺点。故 而,临床医生往往会在等待尿培养检测结果期间给予适当抗菌药物,这样就会增 加了细菌感染尿路的可能性。尿常


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