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Detail Checklist General 4Assessment Checklist GP 7.4.04 F4, Rev. A 29-Sep-03 CATEGORIES QUESTIONS: 分类和提问 EVIDENCE REQUIRED 必要的证据 LOOK FOR 期望 nothing exists or no evidence some evidence exists process documented evidence of use exists innovative, exceptional performance OBSERVATIONS 1. New Process, Technology or Capacity新过程、技术和能力 Does the supplier have to add new tools or equipment to make the product? (Obtain copy of equipment list)供应商是否非要增加新的工装和设备来满足生产(获得设备清单复印件) How many shifts does the Supplier currently operate? What is their available capacity for this type of product?供应商当前采取几班制?目前这种产品的有效生产能力如何? Does the product require any new technology to the supplier? If yes, what new technology and is the new technology new to the automotive industry? 对于供应商来说此产品属于新技术吗?如果是,此新技术属于哪方面?对于汽车行业也属于新技术吗? Does Supplier have defined Preventive Maintenance responsibilities (maintenance, operator, other)? Does Supplier keep accurate and visible maintenance histories on all equipment / tools? 供应商已经定义预防性维护的职责(维护人员、操作工、其他)吗?供应商 Documentation, Visual displays 文件化、展示 Operator instruction, set-up / shut down procedures, PM Records on the equipment 操作指导书、设备启动/关机验证、预防性维护记录 Does Supplier monitor unscheduled downtime and take permanent corrective action? What is the condition of current equipment and tools? 供应商监控非计划停机时间并采取永久性纠正措施吗?目前的设备和工装的状况如何? Uptime data 时间计划表 Goals目标 Action plans纠正计划 Has the Suppliers maintenance evolved from preventive to planned and predictive? (How does Supplier use current data to change PM plans?)供应商的维修计划能够体现从预防性向预见性转变吗?(供应商是如何利用当前的数据来制定预防/预测性维护计划的?) Documentation 文件化 Control monitors on equipment, Statistical analysis on down time. 对设备监控、停机时间的分析 2. Supplying Location供应场所 Is the supplier new to ArvinMeritor? 对于美驰来说,供应商是新的吗? Is the supplier location new to ArvinMeritor or new to the particular ArvinMeritor division? 供应商的现场对于美驰是新的吗?或者对于美驰的个别独立场所是新的吗? Is the supplier location n



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