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浅谈甲状腺疾病术后的优质护理(临床医学论文资料) 文档信息 : 文档作为关于“医学心理学”中“护理学”的参考范文,为解决如何写好实用应用文、正确编写文案格式、内容素材摘取等相关工作提供支持。正文5944字,doc格式,可编辑。质优实惠,欢迎下载! 目录 TOC \o "1-9" \h \z \u 目录 1 正文 1 文1:浅谈甲状腺疾病术后的优质护理 1 1资料与方法 3 1.1一般资料 3 1.2方法 3 2.结果 5 3.讨论 6 文2:脑膜瘤术后外出检查优质护理 7 1资料与方法 7 1.1一般资料 7 1.2干预方法 8 1.3观察指标 9 1.4统计学方法 9 参考文摘引言: 10 原创性声明(模板) 11 正文 浅谈甲状腺疾病术后的优质护理(临床医学论文资料) 文1:浅谈甲状腺疾病术后的优质护理 On the quality of postoperative care of thyroid diseases Abstract: objective: to explore the application effect of quality nuing in postoperative nuing of patients with thyroid diseases.Methods: 80 cases of patients with thyroid disease after surgery in our hospital were pided into observation group and control group according to different nuing methods, 40 cases in each group.Observation group to take quality nuing measures, the control group to take conventional nuing measures.Results: in the observation group, there were 0 invalid cases, 40 effective cases, and the nuing effective rate was 100.0%.The effective rate of nuing was 90.0%.The nuing efficiency of the observation group was significantly higher than that of the control group, and the difference was significant (P<0.05).Conclusion: the application of high quality care to thyroid diseases in the postoperative nuing work, fully meet the thyroid disease patients with postoperative physical and psychological needs, help to improve curative effect, can help patients with thyroid diseases postoperative treatment and recovery, to improve the clinical symptoms and prognosis with good promoting effect, obvious effect, nuing satisfaction is high, is worth the clinical promotion and application. Key words: quality nuing;Thyroid disease;postoperative 对于甲状腺除药物治疗外为手术治疗,效果显著,但 甲状腺周围血管和神经较多且血流量增加,使得术后并发 症发生率较高[1]。本文就优质护理在甲状腺疾病患者护理中的应用的相关情况进行介绍。 1资料与方法 1.1一般资料 选取本院2017年4月-2018年4月期间收治的甲状腺疾病的患者80例。按照护理方式的不同将所有进行过甲状腺疾病的患者分为观察组和对照组,每组40例。观察组中,男24例,女16例;年龄39-71岁,平均(46.9±6.2)岁。对照组中,男14例,女26例;年龄37-73岁,平均(47.3±6.5)岁。两组进行过甲状腺疾病的患者的性


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