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心理护理干预应用于临产妇分娩过程中的效果(临床医学范文) 文档信息 : 文档作为关于“医学心理学”中“妇产科学”的参考范文,为解决如何写好实用应用文、正确编写文案格式、内容素材摘取等相关工作提供支持。正文5751字,doc格式,可编辑。质优实惠,欢迎下载! 目录 TOC \o "1-9" \h \z \u 目录 1 正文 1 文1:心理护理干预应用于临产妇分娩过程中的效果 1 1资料与方法 3 1.1一般资料 3 1.2方法 4 2.结果 4 3.讨论 5 文2:个体化心理护理干预对初产妇分娩过程的影响 6 见表1。 9 参考文摘引言: 10 原创性声明(模板) 10 正文 心理护理干预应用于临产妇分娩过程中的效果(临床医学范文) 文1:心理护理干预应用于临产妇分娩过程中的效果 The effect of psychological nuing intervention in parturient women in the process of delivery Abstract: objective: through the analysis of 80 cases of parturient delivery process, explore the psychological nuing intervention on parturient delivery process effect.Methods: 80 cases of pregnant women who visited the hospital from February 2017 to December 2018 were selected as the research objects, and their Numbe were randomly pided into the experimental group and the control group, with 40 cases in each group. The experimental group was given whole-coue psychological nuing, while the control group was only given routine nuing. The nuing effects of the two groups were compared.Results: compared with the control group, the experimental group had lower cesarean section rate (20% 97.5%), shorter delivery time, and lower neonatal asphyxia rate, with statistically significant differences (P<0.05).Conclusion: adding systematic psychological nuing on the basis of routine obstetric nuing in the whole process of childbirth is beneficial to relieve maternal pain, promote maternal natural childbirth and reduce cesarean section rate, which is a nuing method with significant clinical effects. Therefore, it is worthy of clinical promotion and application. Key words: psychological nuing;The process of childbirth;Clinical nuing effect 前言: 分娩是人类生殖繁衍必不可少的阶段,同时是大部分女性必须要经历的环节,大多数产妇会对分娩会产生焦虑的心理,并在生产后出现抑郁,引起内分泌失调,无法正常母乳喂养,因此心理护理干预对于产妇来说十分重要。妊娠期妇女处于心理应激状态,其生理和心理均容易因为各种因素而发生变化,临产妇的过度紧张、抑郁、焦虑和恐惧等负性情绪很有可能导致难产以及产后出血,因此,为了提高产妇的分娩质量就应该为临产妇提供全面的心理护理服务。笔者将在本研究中通过分析80例产妇的分娩过程,我们针对初产妇不同的心理状态,给予正确适当的心理护理干预,减轻了其心理压力,在产程顺利进展及保证母婴安全


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